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BooperDooper: wat do u want u pile of grass


BooperDooper: wat do u want u pile of overgrown shit

THEBOSS: I want to tell you that Jack did not have me in his house the other day.

BooperDooper: uh huh
BooperDooper: and did he ask u to say that?


BooperDooper: like I'd believe that

THEBOSS: You should, as it is the truth

BooperDooper: truth
BooperDooper: sure

THEBOSS: He has refused to speak to myself or Felix for the past few days

BooperDooper: maybe because u were bastards and made out behind his back

THEBOSS: Well, he shouldn't have been spying on us

BooperDooper: spying on u?
BooperDooper: really?

THEBOSS: Yes, that is what he was doing

BooperDooper: u two basically betrayed him
BooperDooper: he trusted u, and then u went and did that

THEBOSS: Well, if he hadn't watched us, he wouldn't feel betrayed at all, would he

BooperDooper: u know, I really thought u were nice
BooperDooper: not exactly loyal, but kind
BooperDooper: but no, ur just a fucking duck arsed book

THEBOSS: Says the person that has been bullying Jack for years

BooperDooper: yeah, I have, I'll admit
BooperDooper: I've been an asshole
BooperDooper: but, unlike u, I'm trying to make amends

THEBOSS: And you're failing

BooperDooper: and who's fault is that?

THEBOSS: You seem to be insinuating that its my fault

BooperDooper: maybe because it is

THEBOSS: I am not the one to blame for your flaws

BooperDooper: ur the one to blame for this though
BooperDooper: no matter how much u deny it

THEBOSS: And here I was, thinking you hated Jack

BooperDooper: I was wrong to accuse him of lying
BooperDooper: after all, ur the bitch that did

THEBOSS: I have not lied to you in all the time I've known you

BooperDooper: u've lied to jack
BooperDooper: and that's enough for me

THEBOSS: You're a mindless fool

BooperDooper: at least I'm not a cheating one

THEBOSS: Felix and I have only ever kissed in front of Jack

BooperDooper: and that's really as bad as going the full way
BooperDooper: though I'm glad u haven't


BooperDooper: u haven't, have u?

THEBOSS: Well...
THEBOSS: We may have

BooperDooper: I can't believe u

THEBOSS: Neither can I sometimes

BooperDooper: ur a despicable shitface
BooperDooper: and I hope I never have to speak to u again

THEBOSS: Those feelings are returned

BooperDooper: goodbye motherfucker


BooperDooper: wat?

THEBOSS: Will you treat Jack well?

BooperDooper: of course I fucking will
BooperDooper: the fuck do u take me for

THEBOSS: I just wanted to make sure.
THEBOSS: Goodbye, Mark.

BooperDooper has left the chat.

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