Chapter 43 Back to the Drawing Board

Start from the beginning

“Diana, check around, make sure they are all frozen in place, we don't want any slip ups this time, we can't afford for any of these to escape.” I pointer to the demons around us. I checked at one end while Diana checked the other. When we were finished we met in the middle, roughly. “Looks good this should hold them for now, come, let's get out of here.” I held out my hand to her, and we were back in our room in Ravenwood for lack of a better word to call it. It is not like we stayed in the room any more. It was more like a stopping off point.

We walked into the sitting room to visit with the family watching as they all jumped to their feet and took a knee before us. 'Rise, as you were.” I blessed them with the wave of my hand. Then we walked to the front of the room before the wall of TV screen, I waved my hand, and it turned off, distraction taken care of. We ghosted to before the TV Screen where the family was located at.

“Hey! Why did you go an do that I was watching it?' Bavo spat out. Everyone in the room turned their heads toward him, and gasped.

“Bavo! How dare you!” Icka spat back at him in shock at his outburst.

“What has gotten into you young man?” Wilda asked, shaking her head in disgust.

“Oh MY Goddess! Of all the things to say.” Lady Gaia blessed herself before the Goddess'. Diana and I. I turned and looked down at him and frowned. As if. I turned and looked away.

“Diana and I just came away from the demon cavern with new information for you lot. It wasn't good, I left them frozen in place, for now. They were digging out, and were close to the tunnel you planned to flood the cavern with after they were burned alive by the lava flows. They would have escaped through the ocean bed floor into your world, and cause worldwide devastation.” I looked around the room to make sure they all understood what I was telling them. Their plan of a partial fill of lava wouldn't have worked, it would have killed most, but not all of them, but the ones that weren't killed would have escaped eventually into the world, and multiplied once again. “That's right they would have escaped, and all your hard work would have been for naught.” I flitted around the room between them all. My glow I noticed was spiking bright and dim. Hum!

“So, you have them frozen? How is that even possible? I thought you couldn't interfere with matters of the super kind?” Lady Gaia asked.

“I can't, and will not kill for you lot or your kind, but I will slow them down so you will have your time to come up with a plan. You are working on a new plan are you not?” I asked.

“Yes we are, we have been on it all week. This is the first time we have taken a break from it since we came back. We are fried from all the planning and arguing going on between us.” Icka flopped back into her couch burring her face into her hands shaking. Her shoulders visibly shaking as she cried. “I can't take much more of this arguing between us... this is not how our family acts.... It is very troubling... to say the least.” The couch shook. I walked over to her and laid my calming hands on her shoulders, and pushed my calming power into her sending her into a state of calm sleep. 'Rest my child' I whispered into her mind.

I whirled to Bavo. “What have you done to this poor girl, Bavo? What gives you the right to push your authority over this fine young women?” I was livid at him for the way he was treating both the women in the room: like they were both lower class being. “If I ever hear you have treated either of them like you have been I will personally strip you of your power over Fire immediately. Do I make myself CLEAR?” I raised my voice toward the end. I heard the TV crack also the front windows.

“Yes, My Goddess. It won't happen again.” He bowed his head before me.

“You bet you it won't happen again. You don't get a second chance, not with me you don't. I don't care who put you in charge, or what the witches want, I will take those powers away, and make you the lowest of the low. DO. YOU. HEAR. ME?” I enunciated each word clearly and as loud as it took to get through to him.

“Yes. Goddess of the Earth. I hear every word. I won't forget.” He was on both knees with his head bowed almost to the ground before me.

“Good, you better not I will know before you even finish.” I flitted away from the room the TV came back on, and blew with a loud 'Crack' noise 'Smoke' rose from the wall. That is the end of that TV Set. Diana and I ghosted our way to Germany to visit with the King.

“King Hunter! Off your knees we have need to talk. Diana honey stay here, and chat with these nice people for a while so I can chat with the King a while, would you please?” I ghosted him away before she could answer, or the King could complain. We were back in the small unused room again. “Well, King Hunter long time no see.” I grinned.

“To what do I own the pleasure, Goddess of the Earth?”

“The pleasure is all mine. I come to inform you that the mission failed. We must go back and try again. This time it will be much more difficult, they will be expecting us and there will be someone not coming back with us.” He stuttered off his feet a bit almost falling, I reached a hand to steady him. “If they do not get their act together, and buckle down, work as a team they will loose a team member this next time. I foresee it coming.” I told the King. “Bavo is not working with his team any longer, he has disassociated himself from the others.” I shook my head slowly. “This can not happen, lives are at stake here. The Earth.” He is so self-centered. “We must at all cost reign him back in, for the good of the world as we know it, and align the three of them once again for the betterment of their next mission or it will fail.” I flitted about the small space waiting on the King's answer.

“I see. So the power, and authority has finally gotten to him, gone to his head. I had a feeling it would. It is why we have never had a male in charge of one of our households. We have always been female oriented throughout. And in most cases it always worked out perfectly. Well except between you, and my wife the Queen.” He scrubbed his hand over the long hair of his beard. His dark brown hair of his head hung down to the middle of his back in a single thick ponytail. It looked right on him, Regal even, a handsome man. “I will personally talk to him about it, and try to keep it quiet from the Queen. She was up in arms about that mission with not knowing any of the details all till it was over and done with . You still have plans for a round two?” He asked.

“We do. Same as the last time. I will inform you the when and what not, you just have to deactivate things the day before.” He shook his head side to side.

“No can do. The Queen has put a stop to that happening again. She has put a permanent stopper on the communication ever going down again. If it does she will get an immediate report on her desk, and will flash over to Ravenwood ASAP to put a stop to it.” The King commented airily waving his arms around him vividly for effects.

“You leave the Queen to me then when it comes time to go. I will de-activate them myself on the way so she has no way of stopping the group, and you will know it is a go at the same time.” My Smile broadened. 'Daughter. What are you up to down there?' 'Nothing much, Mother, just setting up a plan to deal with the Queen for the next mission so she won't interfere.' I explained to Mother of the Moon. 'You best behave yourself with that Queen, you have been warned!' 'Yes, Mother' She was gone. I looked back to the King smiling once again.


“Nothing I can't handle. We should be getting back before the Queen knows we are here talking again.” I took his hand, and ghosted him back up to the room he was in. Diana stood up amongst laugh from all around her. She had been entertaining the masses. “Diana? You ready to head out, honey?” I asked. She nodded enthusiastically we joined hands after she hugged the King. We left in a flurry of wind. We were gone...  

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