Chapter 54 : Fly Through The Storm

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A/N : I can't believe we're close to the end,it took me almost two years to finish this because a lot of unexpected things happened to my already fucked up life..So,forgive me.Thank you everyone,for your unwavering support,especially to my silent readers,thank you :) 


The stillness of the night and the cryptic strangeness feeling in the air makes the children of the cramped building shivers in fright.Any minute now they are set to escape from the demons who captured and locked them in this hell of a place.Young D's stomach churns in anxiety,the darkness of the place is making it worse.Until he felt a hand gently squeezing his,he doesn't have to look for the person or guess who dares to hold his hands without his permission,he knew it was Chris.His heart races.

Chris searches for the kids'faces through the empty and hollow room,only the hums of a whistling wind from the broken windows can be heard and their shallow breathing.He tensed up,the lives of these little souls depends on him,he made it as his responsibility,he knew he was gambling their lives,and there is no return,he prays hard for the gods to have mercy on them and let them depart this darkness.He closes his eyes momentarily,trying to focus his thoughts on the positive side,he cannot afford to lose his heart not this time when they are too close to their freedom.He draws in breath and the time has finally arrived,they all gather their belongings or whatever things that they managed to get hold of.

Lucy whimpers when a lightning strikes,illuminating the ominous sky from the horizon,it sent shivers to them all.Their hearts beating in one common rhythm,FEAR.

Another lightning illuminates the dark skies and Lucy buried herself to her brother's back.From that brief blessing of a light,Chris,Young D,and the other kids who were assigned to their different tasks saw each other,an understanding flashes on their eyes,without words,they knew,and they split.They ran off though with light footsteps,and very carefully to avoid the goons to notice them.

Chris haven't run this fast in his entire life,leading other children to flee the hell where they forcibly thrown for months,he tries with all his might not to look back,not to check on D if he's fine,he has lives on his shoulders and getting them safely from this place is his priority.He painfully put the thoughts of D from the back of his mind and re-focus,all he can do is to hope that the Young Count survives.


Leon couldn't wait any longer and that's why when Trevor parked his car just a street away from the desolated building,he quickly made his way to rescue his brother,Jill could only follow her foolish friend as Trevor grudgingly tails behind them,mumbling incoherent words though they are most curses of course.He notified his gang about their arrival and the back up would punch the clock before long.Trevor shudders in cold,a drizzle of rain started to pour,which makes the whole situation creepier than it already was.They hurried their way into the back door just like what they planned,Leon was about to barge in but Trevor pulls his arm to make him turn around,he met those impatient eyes again glowering at him.But he didn't even flinched.

"What the hell,Trevor?Why are you stopping me?Don't get cold feet right now,i am telling you!",Leon whispers urgently,eyes flickering in annoyance.

"Listen,Idiot.You are not to barge in there so carelessly,you'll jeopardize your brother's safety and the other kids as well,Get your act together and stay calm.",Trevor snapped back,but in hushed tone.

There's a long pause and Jill's chest is about to explode with these two men who supposed to help each other and now they're bickering like idiots.

Leon and Trevor are still glaring each other like morons and Jill had enough of their childish squabble,she's about to scold them when Leon speaks.

"I'm sorry,I...I just..I'm just worried about Chris,that's all.",Leon apologized,his eyes doesn't want to meet Trevor's.Jill finally felt relieved,and smiles despite of herself.Trevor just nodded at Leon and gently taps his shoulder.

"I know,and I understand.Now let's plan how to rescue Chris,we should not let our emotions get the better of us.".-Trevor replied,and Leon conceded,Jill takes the moment to admire this gentleman,she didn't knew what kind of pull Trevor has on her and it keeps her on wanting him,knowing him,does it mean she have fallen for this guy?She grimaces in terror,It can't be.It's too fast,but she could admit that she likes him.Who wouldn't? A guy like Trevor,he's a rare gem,a real catch.


A drizzle earlier became a heavy rain,peppering the ground in such intensity,accompanied with the lightning and strong chilling wind that began to penetrates to the kamis bodies.Victor darts his eyes from Papa D to his son,Count D,they are both deep in their thoughts,they should make haste or it would be over.He was startled when Papa D turns to him and hold his hands,he blinks in surprise,his breath catches on his throat,while his stupid heart just don't know how to shut up.He stiffens,afraid that Papa D would hear his heart crying out loud.

"Victor,we have to fly.",Papa D said,his eyes bore on him with such urgency,he gulps.

"Wh-what,,h-how?",Victor asked masking the nervousness on his voice.

The two kamis exchanged glances,he have a bad feeling about this.His heart hammering to his chest,he wanted to run away but he couldn't will his body to move,and it seems as though his feet were glued to the ground.The kamis turns to him,with those rehearsed smirk planted on their beautiful faces,he trembles.

"You'll see.",They answered in unison in such bizarre and detached voice,Victor's eyes widens in shock when Papa D pulls him  and get him on his back as the kamis jump and fly through the storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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