Chapter 33 : The Hang Over

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Victor woke alone,in his apartment,with a screaming hangover.He groaned,closing his eyes at the light that assaulted him.That hurt far more than it should.How much had he drank last night?He'd lost track.But even so,he didn't think he'd drankthat much.This was,arguably,the worst hangover he'd ever had the misfortune of having.Of course,it could also be the hitting his head against the bar that was causing the hangover to be worse than normal.He did remember bits and pieces of the night before.

"Shit," he muttered,fragments of his drunken confrontation with the Count floating to the surface of his mind."That was thelast fucking thing that I needed."

Victor swore softly as he groped about blindly on the night table,his hand finally closing around the receiver.

"Hayes," he said,when he answered.

"Good morning,Vic!How are you feeling?" Brenda bubbled from the other end.

"Christ,Brenda.Tone the cheeriness down several orders of measurement,okay?I have a really bad fucking hangover.Why are you calling anyway?"

"Sorry,"Brenda said,and her voice at least was quieter this time."Why do you have a hangover anyway?"

"Well, generally,when a person goes out and drinks a lot--"

"That's not what I meant,"Brenda said,cutting him off."I mean,it's the middle of the week,Vic, Usually,you save your benders for the weekend."

"Usually I don't have a patient die on me in the OR," he countered sourly.

"Victor... it isn't your fault,"Brenda said,sounding worried now."Do you want me to come over?"

"And do what? Last I checked, you were on the schedule for today.The only reason I have off is they're shifting me to nights.Again,"Victor said,making a face.He hated the night shift.He was sleep deprived when he had to do it,mostly because he had a lot of trouble sleeping during the day.

"Yeah, about that... um... that might change,"
Brenda said.

"What?" Victor asked,sitting up at that news,and then hissing at the way the world spun around at the shift in movement.

"Dr. D and Dr.Antonio got into a fight about it,actually. Dr.Antonio wants you on the night shift,since he says that they could use another good surgeon on the emergency cases.Dr.D said that he'd prefer you on days,especially considering how you reacted to losing a patient from an emergency situation already.It turned into a rather big argument,and I was sent on rounds then,so I didn't hear how it ended,"Brenda said,apologetically.

"Fuck," Victor swore."Well they're going to have to let me know sooner rather than later.After all, I'm supposed to start night shift tomorrow."

He had a sinking feeling that his encounter in the bar with the Count was what was causing the argument.This really was thelast thing that he needed.He knew that the Count walking back into his life would cause trouble,but he hadn't quite figured it would start so soon.

"...and are you even listening to me?"

That was from his assistant who,he realized, was still on the phone.But now she sounded rather annoyed.

"What? Sorry,Brenda.I spaced out for a second."

"I said that I'll try to find out what's going on.And I'll come over and make you dinner,"she said with a sigh.

"That would be great but... don't you have to work tonight?"
Victor asked,sounding confused.

"No.I had morning shift today.I'm going to have night shift with you starting tomorrow if you're on the night shift.So I'll find out what's going on and let you know.Go back to sleep,Vic.I'll be there around 6, all right?"And before he had a chance to answer,Brenda had hung up.

Victor stared bemusedly at the receiver before hanging it up, sighing softly. Obviously he was getting no say in this matter. "Sure,Brenda,see you then."

He laid back down on the bed then.He should probably try to kill the hangover before she showed up.If only because,in his experience,Brenda had two settings:perky and double perky.Hell,even when she was sad about something,she was exuberantly sad about it.Victor groaned,closing his eyes.In a few minutes.He'd take something in a few more minutes.He'd deal with both the literal and the figurative headache that this whole mess was causing him in just a few more minutes.For now he was going to take a few moments,stop,and do the immature thing and just will the Count,and all the other problems he was having to go away.He could deal with everything in a few minutes.

But a few minutes later found Victor having fallen back into a light,uneasy sleep.With any luck he'd wake up before Brenda arrived.But seeing the state of his luck as of late,that might be too much to hope for.  

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