Chapter 4 : The Confrontation

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Leon look at the sky and he knows that it is going to rain.He glance at his watch it's 6:12 pm, Philippine Standard Time, he changed it while the cab is heading to Chinatown so he could track the time correctly. He feels dizzy,no doubt for he had been travelling for sixteen hours already without a rest. 15 Hours in airplane, almost an hour riding a cab because of the heavy traffic that irked him so much. He is now standing at the front door of the pet shop, he stops dead on his track. He feels nervous,excited and afraid. 

He walks quietly and open the door.

The room is dark but not silent and he is thankful for that,because silence means  crossing oceans and wondering why D left. He takes cautious steps,afraid that the count would sense his presence and slips away again. He finds the lamp and suddenly the room is bright. The animals got silent, staring at him,he prays that they won't make him as their dinner.But he then decided to ignored them and sits in the couch and put his present to D on the table,white Belgian chocolate for the sugar monster of course.

There's a scratching sound in the hardwood floor, and then a head peeks around the sides of the sofa. Pon-chan's black-ringed eyes widen when she realizes that it's him. He remembers talking to her once, in the midst of panic. He remembers hearing her response pitched lightly in a girlish voice.

He would try it again now but he doesn't know what to say.

Eventually he has to admit that yeah-he may be crying.The wetness of his face is convincing enough-doesn't to take a detective to put the pieces together.Pon-chan crawls into his lap and rubs her face against his, and he tries not to picture the little girl he knows he saw : The smiling,small thing with the long,curly hair.

He puts his arms around her body and pets her fur. He keeps crying,even though he knows it isn't manly.

Soon, he hears a movement down the hallway, then a familiar voice calling out his pets. It causes the hair on his arms to stand on end,and the tears to stop. He grips Pon-chan tightly and stares fixedly at the table.

Then he can hear a body behind him. It takes D only seconds to recover,Leon knows that D got surprised of his presence.

" My dear detective... What brings you to Manila?" 


" What brings you to Manila?"

Leon wants to scream, He can't imagine why he hasn't yet.

" Detective?"

Such a polite tone, so detached and not worried at all, though he should be. Leon can't believe that he's such a fool.

He hears a strange sound as something repeatedly touches the hardwood floor,and then T-chan moves into his line of sight. He stares at the goat creature, he remember the attractive boy he saw briefly on the ship. He wants D to explain,but knows that there are more important things to be said. He doesn't know if it is worth the effort.

D's voice startles him.

"Detective, do say something, your silence is quite unnerving." In fluid movements, he lowers himself onto the couch next to Leon, keeping a distance between them that Leon is certain has never been there before. Leon fights the urge to grab D and yell into his face that it isn't okay, that he needs the Old D because he 's never felt so lost.

But the words never form, he's so horribly calm. Perhaps that's why D doesn't offered him tea.

"White Belgian Chocolate."he says finally,indicating the box on the table with the indelicate movement of his foot. "For you.Throw them out if you don't like."

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