Chapter 36 : Doubt

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"Jealousy in romance is like salt in food.

A little can enhance the savor,but too much can spoil the pleasure and

 under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening."

~ Maya Angelou ~

Jill was shocked when she saw who entered the shop,it was the same man who bumped into her earlier!

"You! What are you doing here?!" Jill roared as she perks up.

"What the hell are you doing here too?" Trevor yelled back.

Count D was surprised to see the two glaring each other,he then thought,were they been acquainted before?How they met?and why on earth they seems to hate each other?

"Now,Now Please,what's going on here?Do you happen to know each other?" D asked.

"Hell no!I only saw her today at the intersection and she was a crazy slut who hit me by her fucking bag!" Trevor said so grudgingly that makes Jill more agitated.

"How dare you calling me a slut?Good heavens!you're such a pervert idiot who tried to groped me in public!" Jill hollered.

Count D's eyes widened in shock and disbelief,Trevor did that to Jill?How rude.He shifted his gaze at the man and asking him for explanation,Trevor guessed what the count is thinking so he cursed.

"Damn it count! Don't tell me you believe this bitch?! Fuck,there's no way i would do that not in Public,not in my lifetime!" Trevor defended himself,hurt because the count had judged him first,he glared at the brunette who is standing right in front of him,god he hated this woman,he thought to himself.

Jill is about to say something when the door slams open with a loud bang and it spits the man which is Leon.

"What the hell is happening here?" Leon asked,shifting his gaze at the count,to Trevor and Jill.

Count D gulps in nervousness,"This is bad..Trevor and Leon might have a blood bath if Jill told Leon on what happened..." D mutters,his eyes lock on Leon's blue eyes....he tried hard not to show his real emotions.

"Hello?Don't you guys hear me?I am asking you,what the fucking hell is happening here?Answer me goddamn it!" Leon cursed angrily.

Jill and Count D exchanged glances,they knew too well that Leon was annoyed already and as intuitive as detective he was,he would detect that someone is lying......

"'s j-just a misunderstanding....." Jill lied,she swallowed her pride because she fears Leon might be put to jail if he learned what happened,and Jill knew that Leon is impulsive,if he follows his intuition,he would hit all the living daylights in the pervert. 

Leon scoffs and gives her a reproving look,she gulps in terror,she knew that Leon is not buying it.

"Don't make me a fool Jill,i wasn't born yesterday,i heard you shouting at this monkey's face,so tell me about it,what did he do to you?" Leon asked acidly.

Count D is more tensed now,he stared at Trevor who is still calm and eyeing Leon as if he is waiting for a brawl.He sighed.It is impossible for him to keep the men in peace especially in his shop.Also,he noticed how protective Leon was to Jill,he felt jealous,he knew it was silly for him to felt that way,but he can't helped it....Jill was indeed precious to Leon....and she's a woman.... a beautiful woman!

"I accidentally bumped into her and we fell,she screamed and misunderstood me as a pervert so she hit me in the head,i got furious on what she did and we had heated argument that was it." Trevor answered for Jill.

Count D and Jill were astounded by Trevor's interruption,Now Leon faces him,eyeing him with scrutiny as he clenches his fist.

"Is that true Jill?" Leon asked Jill without looking at her.

"Y-yes,it is...." Jill forced to agreed so this commotion would end.

But they were terrified when Leon grabbed Trevor's collar and he gawked at the man with a fury eyes....

"I'll forgive your badmouthing at my friend bastard,but the moment you touch her,I swear to God,i would kill you!Got it?" Leon warned Trevor.

Trevor gazed at those fury blue eyes,he doesn't feel scared,not at all,but he can feel the sincerity with that promise,and he knew that Leon would do it so he just nodded as agreement.Leon released him,so Count D and Jill relaxed,but D was so stunned even after that,the menacing and savage look at Leon's eyes all because of his desire to protect Jill,it made him more jealous of the woman...and he hates this feeling...his heart twinges in pain..he feels he would explode in any moment,both in jealousy and hurt.Leon approached Jill and asked her if she was okay and Jill told his dear detective that she was fine and thanked Leon.His dear detective pats her head and makes silly jokes about her attire,which makes D feels like he is a third wheel.Trevor is long gone and didn't even said goodbye,but he didn't care.What he sees in front of him is killing him,he wanted to flee this place,but then,Leon stares at him and smiles...

"D what's that look in your face?Are you alright?" Leon teases.

" I am not fine because i feel so jealous!" D wanted to say but he didn't, Instead he said,"I am fine,i know that you are tired so care if i pour you some tea?" D forces a smile,a smile that never match what he feels that moment and his dear detective as usual is so naive to see that.

"Of course! I brought some cupcakes for you." Leon said cheerily.

D smiled a little bit,He knew that Leon is always fond of buying him treats,these past few months,he hoped that their feelings were mutual but now,he doubted it....

"Thank you,please excuse me,I'll go brew a new tea for us." D said wearing his fake smile.

Leon would like to say something to count but D was already gone.

Forbidden (Pet Shop Of Horrors FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora