Chapter 34: Wish Granted

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"Revenge is an act of Passion,

vengeance of justice.

Injuries are revenged;

crimes are avenged."

-Samuel Johnson-

It's been two weeks since Rachel bought the Erinyes and she is still devising a plan to beat the Kami.She has not spoken yet to the goddess of Vengeance,she wanted it to be perfect and to execute her plan without a fuss.Leon was her teacher and to her surprise,the man wasn't stupid at all,In fact,when he teaches,he has the ability to draw his students attention without drama.He isn't manipulative either,He is intuitive,frank and honest,and he's handsome. A smile formed in her lips,she would not denied that she was attracted to Leon,who wouldn't be? His blue eyes are enough to make girls crazy and drool over him,but unfortunately,Leon's heart belongs to Count D,he couldn't say that Leon is a queer because the count is a hermaphrodite. Rachel also acknowledges the ethereal beauty of the count and it's perfectness except his wasn't pure Kami.... it was touched by humans...and the evidence is Leon.

She enters the special room in her mansion,where Erinyes takes refuge... The deity stares at her in a blank face and she kneels as a sign of respect.

"My Highness...I have decided on what would i wish....and may you grant it in your power." Rachel said still kneeling.

"You may tell me what your wish is and i would grant it as you was chosen by me." Erinyes said firmly eyeing the witch vowing before her.

Rachel slowly turns to her and smiled.."My Highness,,, i wanted to avenge my sister's death,and to attain it,i want the mortal's heart...the mortal whom the kami loves.." she said staunchly.The Erinyes was stunned by the unexpected wish....she had said her word and she couldn't break it...

"This shouldn't be happening.." The Erinyes said to herself but still ogling at the witch who was staring at her with blood lust and pure hatred.

"To make it more effective my highness,i would like to combine your power and mine,I would cast a spell to the mortal,a spell that has no remedy...when he dies..the count would suffer the great loss like what i suffered when Margaux died....Please My Highness,Grant My Wish." Rachel pleads as she once again knelt before her.

The Erinyes grimaces in terror,she never expected this to happen,Why the count didn't saw the heart of this witch,she gawks at the witch who was still kneeling and the deity of vengeance already knew the answer....

"Rachel is a witch of Deception and Wrath." Erinyes murmurs to herself.

There's no escaping it,she's a deity,a god-even who take their words seriously,and she did promised as her new owner signed the contract,that she would grant her heart's desire.

"Very well... if that's your wish... It is now granted." Erinyes declared reluctantly...The count wouldn't blame her for betrayal because he failed to detect the real nature beyond the beauty and innocence of deceptive witch.

Rachel grins at Erinyes,and her eyes describes as what seems to be an imminent blood shed that would takes place SOON.


Trevor decided to visit the count,he bought Creme Brulee cake from The Pastry Cart.Luckily,the owner happened to be his friend's cousin so he was accommodated very well..He's a VIP after all.

He was lost by his thoughts and accidentally bumped to a woman.

"What the hell!" the woman yelled at him, he blinks,the stranger is a foreigner and she's beautiful!

"Get off me freak!" The woman wailed and hit him in the head using her bag.

"What the fuck!" Trevor hissed in the annoying woman who just stares back at him and wouldn't flinch,she crossed her arms as she stares at him like she's daring him.

"What a nuisance." Trevor muttered to himself.He hates these kind of women,girls who act like tough but the truth was they just wanted to be cooed.Women are freak of nature he thought.

"Next time,watch where you're going!"The woman screamed and walked away from him.

Trevor couldn't believed what he has heard,that stranger seems to be PMS-ing or something.The nerve of that woman irks him big time!

"Damn,you should be grateful you're a woman or else,i gotta smashed your pretty face and you'll be sorry forever." Trevor mumbles to himself as the woman vanishes from his sight.

~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Jill is in a bad mood especially when she remembers the pervert who bumped at her earlier.She hated that man,he's arrogant and she doesn't know exactly why she's so infuriated,she takes a deep breath and enters the shop.

"Count D are you here?"Jill called out to D.She decided to apologized for her rude attitude the last time they met.Also,she have to do it for Leon might happen to know the rift between her and Count D that is the thing she wanted to avoid.

The count appears from the silk curtain,together with his home pets,she stared at the European Badger Pon-chan who usually was excited when she visits but looking at Pon-chan now,it is obvious that the raccoon doesn't want to be near her.She felt a pang in her heart,D's animals are so loyal to him... as well as LEON.

She shakes her head desperately to escape from her own pathetic thoughts.She gawks at the count who is still standing and staring at her.

"Count... i am here to apologized for what happened two weeks ago." Jill said solemnly.She saw the tiger-goat snarls at her which frightens her a bit but she is so determined to do this.

"I told you it was nothing Jill,you don't have to apologize.Please be seated." The Count said and offered her a seat which she accepted,the count is calm and she doesn't know if what he said was real or not,but in her better judgment she decided to considered it as real.

"Would you like some tea Miss Jill?I have an imported herbs which just arrived this noon,would you like to try it?" The count offers Jill while smiling.

"Y-yes sure." Jill said.

D pours her a tea and they drank their teas in silence. Jill appreciated the peace while drinking when she was startled by a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" D asked.

"It is me,Trevor." The man answered.

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