Chapter 43 : Prejudice :Begin Of Friendship

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"Prejudices,it is well known,are most difficult to eradicate from the heart,

whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education:

they grow there, firm as weeds among stones."

~Charlotte Bronte-Jane Eyre

Jill was awoken by the blinding light that seeped through her closed eyes.She blinks her sleepiness away and studied the room,her head aches and she feels dizzy,she remembered what happened last night.She almost fell to her death,when Trevor pulled her and he had saved her sorry ass.

As if a cue,Trevor walks anon to her room carrying a tray of food.

She blushes and turns away,she bit her lower lip in embarrassment,her prejudice of Trevor fazed her real hard that she cannot make herself look into his eyes.

She was frozen when Trevor asked her.

"How are you feeling?"Trevor asked with a virile voice,her face reds in what seems to be a young lady who is having her first crush.She shakes her head in intense disapproval.

"I might be insane,why would i think of that?I'm just ashamed of myself for judging him,that's all." she mumbles.

"You know what?I don't really understand you,women are all the same,you are complicated and a pain in the ass."Trevor said rather indignantly as he stares at her.

Jill is about to protest but then she decided not argue with this moron,He saved her life,after all.

"I don't know what made you said that Trevor,but i am very sorry fort the trouble I've caused you,and thank you for saving my life."Jill said truthfully.

Trevor just nods at her,undecided on what possible response he would give the woman.He also lauds Jill's humility,she knows how to apologize,Not all people can do that.Also,It is not a secret to him,that even this lady has an ill-things on her mind about him,prejudices that he knew,people broods in their little boring lives.He was accustomed by these infantile,crude and unfair judgment of people about him,at first,he was hurt and he tried hard to pleased them but then he realized that no matter what he does,people would always have something to throw at him.This one of the things he hated the most by being human.People are judgmental.They busied themselves in criticizing,and throwing stones at others but they never see how rotten and disgusting their lives are.They are giving crap about somebody's fault and bitching about what they think that person should do but in their own lives,they are foolish and scared to follow their own advice.

People and their sick minds.Their prejudices and pride,he remembers what he had read when he's 12,Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice,he likes that novel so much,it shows the hypocrisies of humanity and their struggle to fit themselves in a group that they think would benefit them.

"I know what you are thinking about me Jill.People always have their umbrage against me and i understand why... they never understand and won't never see what i can see in people's eyes." Trevor said solemnly.

Jill's mouth agape in shock,confusion and shame.How did this man knew about it?She felt guilty.

"and what do you see in their eyes Trevor?"Jill asks almost like a whisper.

"Their souls...their hearts,their emotions." Trevor answered point blank.

Jill tilts her head to look at Trevor,she can feel the sincerity and the truth in that word,and it makes her regret the things she thought about this man.She forgot that people,regardless of their origins and behaviors are all unique,and that idiosyncrasies help us to stand out and be useful in our society.

" I am very sorry.. it is very rude of me to thought of those things.Please forgive me." Jill apologized.

But Trevor just simpers at her and waves her off...

"You really shouldn't bother yourself to apologize's okay." He said.

"No,it isn't you forgive me?"Jill asked in a puppy eyes.

Trevor snorts at her ridiculous face,the truth is that,he never troubles himself to ask for an apology of someone who wronged him,and Jill who apologized to him right now was just peculiar,but it isn't make him uncomfortable,at least,not yet.

"I'll forgive you...but can you be my friend?"Trevor asked in a jiff that makes Jill blushes.

"Why...yes,of course."Jill yielded in enthusiasm.

Trevor held his hand for Jill to shake and Jill gladly shook it.

"Finally, we're friends."Trevor said,a smile looms in his face.

"Yes,we're friends."Jill chirped with glee.

and with that a new friendship began in the beautiful morning when cicadas sing as if a revelry for the two strangers who found comfort in each other.

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