Part 2*

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Veronica came running towards me making me almost fall.

" V...can you please let me go? I can't feel my body."

She laugh and let go of me saying a faint sorry. We went to our table and I saw Betty on Jughead's lap smiling at him. I've seen them around school and she told me when they started dating but seeing it right in front of me was so weird and cute at the same time. Jug was one of those guys that never let emotions show, sometimes if you were lucky enough you'd receive a smile here and there but most of the times he would be with no emotion on his faced and giving you a sarcastic remark. I smiled to them and looked to the redhead sitting in front of them going through his phone. I ruled my eyes and placed myself as far away as possible. Just his presence made me want to vomit.

"Hey there stranger. I hadn't seen you in a wail now...were you hiding yourself from the police or something?"

" Yeah... I robed this bank you know? The one in the end of the rode...but don't tell anyone. Or I'll have to destroy you Jug."

He laugh a little and winked at me. Betty was making him change a little bit, was making him more...human. A smile appeared in my face and I look over to the blonde girl on his lap. She was happy, I could tell by the way she was looking at us. A cough made me look in front meeting those brown eyes I've been avoiding for a long time. I felt my stomach turn. I could still feel his eyes on me making me really uncomfortable. I moved a little trying to make me feel better but failed completely. He was still staring at me making me feel more and more uncomfortable. I was about to tell him to look away when Ronnie decided to speak.

"So...we haven't been with you for a long time you have any news to tell us? What have you been doing that could take that among of time to make you stop hanging out with us?"

I looked at Archie and sow his jaw tensed a little. Was he nervous, mad? I smiled to Veronica and touched my hair. I didn't know what to say so I just stared at her for a couple of seconds before deciding that maybe I should tell them the truth and just end this awkward atmosphere that was around us all because of me and ginger boy. They would understand me. I knew that but something inside me wasn't letting me say the words that were on my brain. I felt his eyes again and this time I could se a little bit or regret reflected on them.

"About the don't really have nothing interesting to tell you guys, I've been going to school then home study helping my mom and then again school."

Everyone laugh with me making me more comfortable. I take a look at his brown eyes and got lost for a sec. Maybe I've been missing  him a little...I missed him, being here with him was breaking my heart slowly and painfully. All he said that day was coming up again. All the pain he made me fell, the memories were exploding trough my mind. I closed my eyes for a second and look at her again smiling.

" I got my heart broken by this guy and just needed a little time for myself."

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