Part 1*

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"you have to be kidding me Andrews! Are you insane?"

"Stop being a bitch about it! It's not like you have something to do with it, it's my life. All you have to do is respect or leave."

" a bitch hum? Yeah okay. Bye you asshole."


I was on my way to the classroom when someone called my name. I turned around to see the one and only Betty Cooper making her way towards me. I smiled and waited for her, receiving a genuine kind smile from the girl. She was one of my best friends and one of the sweetest girls I've ever known.

"Hi. Thanks for waiting, i just wanted to tell you that after school we are going to Pop's to celebrate my birthday? And you are going right? You haven't been with us for the past months and we really miss you..."

I felt guilty by ditching them because of what happened. But just the thought of seeing his face made me angry. After what he said I really wanted to be as far away as possible, if I could avoid his presence I would, other way he probably would be with a black eye. I looked in her eyes and saw how hurt she was. "Why did you leave them all? They did nothing. He did." my brain told me. I smiled and nodded.

"It's obvious that I'm going. Why would I miss Betty Cooper's milkshake birthday reunion?"

I laughed and so did she, making me feel better about this whole situation. After four wonderful moths without looking at his stupid perfect face I would had to swallow my pride and be in the same room with that stupid sun of a bi...with him. I felt her arms around my body and smile a little more, I missed her. Even if we talked every day at school or on our phones I hadn't been with her properly in weeks, I distanced myself from her because of my pride and was time to act like a grown women and face the reality. Even if that meant to spend hours in the same space as Archie.

"He'll be there...but you don't have to talk or look at him...I just want my best friend with me in this day. I don't know exactly what happened but I just want you to know that it's not because I'm his friend that I'm letting you go. I'm still here for you and I know you are us there at four okay? Is that good to you?"

"I'll be there Bets I promise. Now I have to go. See you later birthday baby."

We laugh and left to our classes. This would be afternoon with Archie Andrews could go really well or really bad.

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