First and foremost, I thank Ms. Karren Renz Seña ( KarrenRenzSena ). If not for her, this story would not have been conceived at all. When she had asked us to pen our writing journey, I realized that the only way I could give a precise account, with all the emotions and personal obstacles encompassing it, would be to write it as its own story. Hence, The Dream Called Story.
(So yes, this fable is indeed an account of my own writing journey >.<)
To Jether ( sociohat ), who introduced me to Ms. Karren in the first place.
And to many other of my friends and fellow struggling writers – you are all my anchor to this world of Wattpad and the reason I still have the courage to keep writing.
Much of the ideas for the fable came from a discussion Eleven (formerly, some1eleven ) and I once had about talent. Apparently, decades of research have proven, or rather, un-proven the existence of talent (though this'll depend on your understanding of the word meaning).
It turns out that the formula for talent is plain simple: It is directly proportional to hours of practice.
I understand that there's still more to the research than what I know (or mentioned), and because of that, I don't have convincing answers regarding the subject, even to myself.
Each of us, I suppose, have our own demons to battle. From something as profound as crippling insecurities, to something as simple as not having a computer at home, for instance. But I'd like to think that we're also given some gifts to aid us in our quest.
Though what I can surmise from that study is, that we don't have to start out as a great writer from the get-go, but that, each one of us has the potential to become one. If anyone enjoyed reading any of my stories, then let that be a testament.
I hope this simple fable has been an inspiration to you. That is this story's dream (◡‿◡✿)

The Dream Called Story
Short StoryA fable for struggling writers and dreamers~ Her name was Quiet, and her dream was called Story. With words and a Heart, she must fulfill her dream. But what lies in wait for a Dreamer who knew naught of the world? Pursuing one's dream is never easy...