maknae line + jin

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As i was sitting there i was finished eating. At least it was just a salad i think my fat ass can bare to digest this.

"Hey izzy ill be back in a second going to throw this away an restroom."

"Okay, hurry back so we have more fun!" Izzy said with enthusiasm.

I got up an grabed my tray. I was still drinking my cherry slushie.

I walked over to the trash an threw it away. When i looked back up Jin was standing there.

I was freaked out.
"What the hell jin!?"
"Hey Eli!" Jin said brightly.
"Hi jin"

"So what ya doing?" J
"Apparently im talking to you now."
"Oh duhh so much sarcasm for such a little person." J

"Im not little."
Thats when jin walked up to me an stood straight up.
I had to look up at him.
Jin looked down an laughed.
"Told you your small"

"Its not my fault your a giant!"
"Eli im not a giant Namjoons a giant!" J

"Okay then"
Thats when the maknae line came running out of the store behind us.

"Oh gawd!"
Jin just started laughing.
Kookie Tae an Jimin.

"Heyyyy!!! Jin!!!!" Tae yelled
Jin then ducked behind me.
"Stay still" jin whisperd
"What are you doing?"
"There crazy!" J
"An your not?"

"Okay okay." He stood back up when the boys reached us.
"Hiii Eli" kookie shy said.
I smiled at him "hey kookie"

He then looked down an smiled idk why he did thus but it was adorable asf.

"Lets go find namjoon, hobi an yoongi hyung" tae said. He grabed my arm a was pulling me along.

"Oh no tae i cant im here with my friend."
He gave me a puzzled look.
"An how dose this person matter more than us?" Tae asked.

Jin then slaped Tae shoulder "dont be rude!"
Jimin an kookie laughed.
"Ahhhww its true." Tae said rubing his shoulder.

"Well lets go get your friend then" jimin said. "Yea" kookie agreed
I lead them back to izzy. Then yea man

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