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I lifted my left leg over the bars i was now sitting on the very edge of the bridge. I looked straight  down.
I started to feel sick.
The one thing i was scared of heights. I started thinking about everything iv been to that led me up to this moment.
Iv gone through so much stupied crap. That no one should ever experience. I was starting to feel the growing urge in my gut. I was tearing up. I was pushing slowly to end it all.
I didnt hear the car stop just behind me. "Hey" somone called out. I was starteld. An beggin to fall. I grabed the edge an held on i fell of the side  i was dangling by a pole. I could just let go right  now i need to. But i couldnt. An i started to cry again.
When the voice came again. "HEY!!"" An then somone running over an looked over the edge seeing me. Terror was in his eyes. "Grab my hand!" I reached out with one hand. My hand grabed hold of his. My other hand then gave way. He was single handly trying to pull me up. "I got you dont worry" he said
I grabed the railing again an climed up it while me pulled me up.

I finally made it back up an collapsed onto the sidewalk in a crying mess. He sat down against the railing next to me breathing hard.
After about 10 miutes of just breathing hard i  sat up an looked at the dude that had helped me. Of course he almost killed me to.

He was still had uneven breathing. "Hey what were you doing up there!?" He asked.

I didnt answer i got up an started walking away i didnt want to talk i wanted to stop everthing an it was his fault that i didnt. I made it only a few feet away then got grabed by the arm it was him again.

"Hello i asked you why were you up there?"  I looked at his face now. He look concerned an worried . But why?!?!? What is with this dude.
"I was bord okay leave me alone!"
I pulled out of his hold.

"You were bord so you try to commite suicide!?" He yelled

"Oh shut up what do you know!" I yelled back.

Then i blacked out.

End Itजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें