izzy <joon comeback>

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I then got a call .
It was jackson.

"Hey im at your house where you at?" Izzy

"Down the block drive down a bit i can see you."

Then he pulled up an i jumped it the ford. It was a silver ford fusion. It looked really nice.

"Hey so what we doing?" I asked.

Izzy looked over at my "i told you were gonna go to the mall."

"Okay then."

Then we just talked. About random stuff him doing most of the talking.

We arrived. He parked in front of the ice rink.
We got out.
"So what you wanna watch?" Izzy

This i could answer "Inside out!"

"Ahh same Eli!"
Then we high fived.

(I know its a kid movie but its amazing so yah)

We walked to the theater an got a movie tickets for 3pm. So we could walk around an go aleat or somthing.

We started to walk around when we stoped at the game room.
I mean that was fun!!!

Then inside the game room we came across a claw machine!
(My favorite)

"Hey izzy can we please!!!"
"Okay then for you" izzy

I couldnt get it i tried so many damn times! An little monster with 3 eyes it was so damn adorable!

I was about to give up when someone sayed
"hey i can get that i bet you!"

I turned to see him!!
Him an only him!!

Fucking Namjoon!

I was shocked how the hell did this dude find me!?
He then waved in front of my face like befor.

"You like to space out alote Eli." NJ laughed.
I snapped out of it "no i do not!"

"What ever" NJ
"How the hell did you find me?!"

"What do you mean i wasnt looking for you are you that full of yourself Eli?" He laughed again.

"I didnt mean it like that"
"Okay anyway i bet you i can get the little monster for you."

"Okay what you wanna bet?"
"A whole day of you hanging out with me again." Nj said

"What thats not fair!"
"Yes it is you didn't come over yesterday an you want the toy dont you?" NJ

I was desperate. The little toy was calling my name.

Namjoon said "there we go".
He turned to the machine.
An turned back around with the toy with in 1 minute.

I was again shock how the hell did he do that in one try?!?!?.

He handed me the little monster an smirked. "You owe me a day!"
He yelled.

"Okay i guess i do"
"So you like monsters?"
"You can name that Rap Mon."
Nj said with a wink.

"Oh shut up." I said he laughed.

"So what are you doing here?" Asked Namjoon

"Oh im here with jackson."
"Whos jackson?" Eyebrow raise
"My friend."
"Just a friend?" Still eyebrow raise.

"Yea whats it to you?"
He just shruged his shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Nothing the guys just wanted to hang out today." NJ

"The guys. There here?"
"Yea want to say hi they miss you!" NJ

"How could they miss me iv only met them once?!"
"Beacuse someone like you leave a presences an impact on peoples lives."

Thats tge last thing i wanted to hear. I dont want to do that. I donr want anyone to remember. I will just leave.

"Oh yay" i said sarcastically.
Be just laughed.

Thats when jackson showed back up out of no where.

"Hey Eli lets go get sonthing to eat!" Izzy

"Okay izzy"

Then izzy stoped an looked at Namjoon.

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