Morning glory

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I woke up with a bad ass headache.
I sat up feeling woozy. An there was a blanket on me that dude must of gave it to me last night.
Where the hell is he anyway?

I threw the blanket aside an stood up but only for a second befor i fell onto the floor. My legs were still fucking asleep! I got back on the couch when he came through the door. His bedroom door.

He was zipping up his pants i looked at him an got red.
"Oh no no no its not what you think i was in the bathroom!"
Then he got red an tried to explain his buisness.

I covered my ears "okay okay i belive you!" Then he stoped an i stoped an he were in silence for a good minute.

"So what was that noice?" Nj asked
"I fell"
Really! Are you okay? Nj
"Yea im alive aint i"

Then i was blinded by the window being opened the sun was already up an bright. God what time is it? I looked at my phone it was 3 in the afternoon! 
I never sleep this late well considering what happen last night its understandable.

Then i started to smell somthing an that somthing was me.
"Hey dude can i borrow a shower?" I asked

He looked at me in puzzlment.
"Yea girl. Im Namjoon we went over this an Hey i never leared your name what is it?

"I dont like names, i wont know you that long anyway why does it matter?"

"Well i cant just let a complete stranger use my shower, so name or no shower an why wont you know me that long? after all i did save your life." Nj said

"Okay Namjoon im Eli an ill will just take off after so thats why."

"I think you can stay a little while longer untill i figure you out." NJ said

"Why do you want to "figure me out for!?" I asked

"Beause no one takes there life away just because there bord."
Namjoon said sternly.

I just looked at him i cant believe he said that. It made me angry.

"Come on then" NJ said while walking into his room i followed he went there his drawers he was pretty clean for a dude.

He handed me a grey shirt black skinny jeans an a pair of Calvin clein boxers straight out of a new bag of them. I didnt refuse it.
Anything that was clean was good.

"Im sorry i dont have any bras juat lying around here" he laughed
"Ha ha very funny" i said

He scrathed the back of his neck "well there is the bathroom ill be out there on my computer  or somthing holar if you need anything."
He then left an shut the door behind him i went an locked it i wasnt risking anything.

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