She walked back to the monitors and began to survey them. She hoped the metahuman team wouldn't be as stubborn as her staff. They needed to survive. She had created all to support them, to mold them into the heroes America needed. They wouldn't go down with the ship, they couldn't.

"Run, you idiots," She whispered to the monitors. "Get out of here." She smiled and fished for a cigarette. "I'm the captain. The captain always goes down with the ship."


Jason stared up at the ceiling, his mind spinning. Evacuate...?! The Director couldn't be serious! No, it had to be...some sort...trick? He frowned, clenching his teeth tight. No. She sounded totally serious, as usual. Unless that was a damn good bluff, she had to be...serious. She wanted them to evacuate the base.

"Was that the Director did she just say what I think she said she can't be serious right right?!" James sputtered, sounding on the verge of panic. Laureen stared at the ceiling, mouth hanging open, while Max crossed his arms, his eye narrowing into a slit.

"I...think she did," Jason muttered to James. James shook his head, his curly hair flopping, and grabbed Jason's arm, shaking it.

"But...but why why would she have us run I don't to run we can't just abandon base Audrey and Hiroshi and the Director and Alice and so many others are still here true they're supposed to evacuate too I think maybe yes but what if they don't get out what if they stay then we'll be fleeing like cowards from this mess from all of this we've never run from a fight before right right we can't just do this!"

"I..." Jason tried to think of a response. He looked helplessly at Laureen. She was still staring at the ceiling, seemingly dumbfounded. He looked back at James, into the young man's wide, panicked eyes. "I'm sorry, James, I don't know! I don't know why she said that!"

James let him go and began rubbing his temples, mumbling to himself. Jason turned to Laureen and said, "She...she said evacuate."

"I heard her," Laureen muttered. She slowly looked at him. "But...why?"

"I..." Jason struggled to think. He was having trouble processing his thoughts. He was so damn confused. He didn't know what to do, what to say. But Max's harsh voice broke through his jumbled mind

Max snorted. "Isn't it obvious?" He grunted. "We're outmatched." He pulled himself off Jason, gesturing with his non-paralyzed arm, his other arm hanging at his side like a limp noodle. "This is a tactical retreat. The Director knows the base is going to be overwhelmed and we're all going to die if we stay here. So. We run."

"But but but but!" James sputtered out, spinning around. "We can't just run I mean we could well yes it would quite easy to just leave but we can't abandon everyone can we can we no no not at all we need to beat the invaders we've beaten worse odds haven't we haven't we?!"

Laureen slapped him upside the time. James yelped, his glasses falling off. Laureen immediately gasped and leaned down, grabbing them and handing them back to him. James took them, hurridely wiping one lens with his tie while she spoke.

"I'm sorry dude! But we need to calm down. We think."

"Think?" Max snapped. "There's no time to think. We got an order. Let's follow it."

Jason snarled at that. He grabbed Max by the collar and shook him rougly, nearly yanking him off the floor. "You fucking bastard!" It took all his willpower to resist decking Max right then and there. "We just run because the Director said so?! And abandon her and who knows how many innocent people to die?! Yeah, really heroic right there, you asshole!"

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarWhere stories live. Discover now