Chapter 2

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After going to bed at 4:00am the girls wake up at 10:00.

"What kind of cereal do you want?"

"I've been here a thousand times, Leah?"

"Yeah...yeah i know but we just got some new kinds."

"Well, what've you got then?"

"Umm.....Rice Crispy's, Cornflakes, Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, and toast."

"Rice Crispy's and toast please!"

"Alrighty, morning mom, dad."

"Morning sweetie, hello Morgan."

Good Morning, Mrs. Taylor."

After the girls ate breakfast, showered and got dressed, they headed to the mall to get some new clothes for school.

"How about this one, it makes you look hot!"

"I want to look popular, not like Victoria, Morgan!"

"Well it was just a suggestion, sheesh!"

After going to 12 different shops including, Hollister, Lu Lu Lemon, Garage, and Boathouse, the girls leave with only 4 sweaters, 12 pairs of pants, 14 cute tops, and new bras and undies from Victoria's Secret, they catch a taxi back to Morgans house.

"Want to go get our hair done this friday, before we go back to school on Monday?"

"Sure, but what exactly were yo thinking?"

"Red highlights for me and blonde highlights for you," replied Morgan.

"Alright should be pretty with my dark brown hair and green eyes and your blonde hair and blue eyes, Morgan.

"Sounds good, girl."

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