Shout Out Chapter

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Hi everyone! Today's update is going to be a shoutout!

1. So sorry for being missing! I have pink eye on BOTH eyes! (You would know this if you stay up to date on my conversations tab.)

2. I apologize to the amazing gubler100
     I promised to have his/her/theey (not sure of this user's gender) request up two days ago! It will be up ASAP! (As soon as I can see!) (I had this chapter typed up earlier.)

3. Could we make this a tag? If I have given you a shoutout, go to your story, and post a shoutout chapter! Spread positivity!

4. If I say "they" for an author's pronouns, this means that I don't know what gender they are/ identity with! 

5. This list is in NO PARTICULAR ORDER! I'm not listing these amazing authors from least favorite, to favorite, or vice-versa! They're all amazing!

6. I GOT A TUMBLR! My username and profile pictures are all the same, so go follow me! A lot of you all ask me what my IG and Twitter are, but for now, I just have a public Tumblr! If you message me on there and tell me your Wattpad username, and I follow you on here, then I'll follow you on there!


To prevent the list from getting too long, I'm just shouting out people who have DM'd me, or who I have DM'd. (not all people who have DM'd me made the list.)

emo_fandom_trash  Shouting out this author because of how sweet they are! I absolutely adored their "House of Gold- Adopted by Twenty One Pilots" fan fiction, and this author always replied to my comments- which made me super happy!

LoliLemon This author and I decided to be friends! They were my first request, and he/she/they inspired the "Kirsten/ Gerard and Kirsten/Frank (dating)" trilogy! AND THEIR FRANK IERO IMAGINES BOOK IS KILLER! Lots of love to this person! <3

Fangirl_Bandgirl26 For being sweet and replying to my DM! They have great books! Looking forward to getting to know you better!

 LightningBack For being my third request! (Not putting more because I don't wanna spoil you all for the upcoming chapter they requested!)

gubler100 For having an AMAZING REQUEST! I apologize, again, for not having it up! That's so unprofessional of me, but I'm working on it! I'm looking forward to getting to know you sweetie!

Brooke_Sexton25 For having a GREAT Frerard story (with a MAJOR plot twist) that will make you bawl your eyes out! It's called, "Tears in Drawings." Also, this user and I talk a lot, and they are really chill! I can tell that they have a lot of passion for writing, and they are always looking for ways to make their work better and better!






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