Kirsten X Gerard/ Kirsten X Frank (Dating) Part 2

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A/N: Killjoys, I'm literally crying. Thank you for the follows, reads, votes, and comments. You all always find a way to brighten my day. 

This is part two to a requested imagine! Part One is the previous update on this book, so make sure to go read it! It was requested by the one, the only, LoliLemon . This wonderful person is the reason that we currently have 111 reads. So, make sure to go follow her and check out her work- she has some great MCR books! 

BTW- sorry that I forgot to put in a picture for the last update! Also, this chapter talks about Monopoly, it's a board game, and it destroys families and friendships. If you're not familiar with the game, you'll probably still understand the idea of it.

Also, I bought two of Gerard's comics last night, and the book lady said, "Okay, so it's spelled G-E-R-A-L-D.. right?" *sobs*


As Frank carried Kirsten's things to the car, a few fans ran up to him, requesting pictures and autographs. 

"Heyyy Frankie. Damnnn you look fine!" Said one fan, who couldn't be older than 9 or 10.

"Wow. Hello tiny person." Frank said, slightly moving away from her. "Let's all take one group picture, and that person can send it to the rest of you, because I need to get going." 

Kirsten, sighing, went to Frank to grab her bags, and pack them into the car, but then, one of the fans walked over to her.

"Oh! You're Gerard's girlfriend, right?" Said one of the older fans, who appeared to be about 13. She smiled up at you, and waved her hand a little. "Would you mind taking a picture with me? If you can't, that's okay." She said, shyly looking down.

"Of course I'll take a picture with you honey!" Kirsten said, gently taking the girl's phone from her hands.  "What kind of pose should we do?"

About twenty minutes later, the fans were satisfied with their pictures and autographs, and they all kissed Frank goodbye, except for that one girl, who, again, ignored Frank to hug Kirsten.

"Kirsten, I'm offended. You stole one of my fans!" Frank said, pretending to pout.

"Sorry Frank. Maybe the fans want to take pictures with people who actually look like adults, because, you know, I'm actually taller than them, unlike you, short stack." Kirsten stuck her tongue out at Frank, and jumped into the passenger seat of the car, and, for just a moment, she forgot about being disappointed that Gerard wasn't the one to pick her up.


Kirsten had been in England for about three days. Gerard still hadn't returned from his trip, but Kirsten didn't even care; she was having too much fun with Mikey, Frank, and Ray. The boys and her had a water balloon fight, prank war, s'more party, and even a horror movie marathon. Kirsten was happier than she had been in months, and she felt like she was finally reunited with her family. But then, Gerard showed up, and things began to change. 

"Kirsten, hey, what's up?" Gerard casually said, not even acting like he hadn't seen her in four months, however, Kirsten barely even glanced up, she was too busy playing Monopoly with the boys.

"Oh, hey Gee." Kirsten said, just before Ray landed on the "Boardwalk" property, which Kirsten owned, and which she had a hotel on.

"NOOOOOO! SHE'S A CHEATER!" Ray said, jumping up from his spot on the floor. 

"Yesss! hahahahah! Give me ALL of your money and properties Ray...heheheh." Kirsten said, laughing like an evil dictator. Frank and Mikey exchanged looks, fearing for their lives. Kirsten was really, REALLY, good at Monopoly.

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