Chapter 15: Kidnap

Start from the beginning

"Middle finger up F U pay me. 90's baby, I pump up the jam!"

She did the rap verse out loud and it really looks like she's one of the rappers in the music. We passed the hallway and clapped our hands silently.

"How do you know that song anyway?" I said surprised

"It's blackpink! Who wouldn't like it?!" We started laughing and continued our plan.

We were standing outside his office. We put our guns in our hands and kicked the door open. We pointedout find at him

"I didn't know Mr. Billionaire was that handsome!" Lisa said while walking up to him.

He was about to put his hands up but then he pressed something.

"Shit, he called his guards.." I said to Lisa.
"Get him..." I added..

The bodyguards plus his assistant went in the room. We were pointing our guns at him.

"Step a little closer then your boss dies.." They had no choice at all.

Mr. Billionaire pointed a gun at Lisa. He looks prepared..

"Kill me then your friend dies with me.." he said smirking..

"Ho-Hoseok..." I said out loud but he was caught..

Guns was pointed at him (hoseok)..
"He'll die too..." the billionaire said again..

I dropped my gun and stayed away. He smirked once again..

"You' have 1 minute to let Hoseok and Lisa go.."
Hoseok's phone began talking. That's when we realize it was Jin.

"Or what?" The billionaire said sarcastically.

"You're gonna be shot anytime.."
Jin replied back..

Out of no where, a girl in black went through the window and grab Lisa on the wrist then pulled Lisa closely to her. She then pointed her gun to his assistant..

"Tell your guards to drop their guns and let Hoseok go then your assistant will live." She said while smiling. Only then I realize it was 'Hani'

 Only then I realize it was 'Hani'

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Hani began laughing. Jin then speaked once again..
"32 seconds left.."

He dropped his gun and gave up.
Hani and Lisa went beside me along with Hoseok.

We tied the billionaire on his chair along with his assistant.
We taped their mouths to keep their mouths shut.
His bodyguards was in the corner being useless and shit..

Jin went inside with... Solji unnie!!!

 Solji unnie!!!

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"Solji unnie!!!" Me and Lisa said out loud..

"I feel left out a lot. I'm here too.." Hani said and we laughed.

"Of course we know your here Hani oppa.." Yes she's a girl. But the way she acts Is like a boy. That's why we call her oppa..

"Jin, great plan!" Hoseok patted his shoulder and give him a bro hug..

Solji and Hani are the 2 girls that Namjoon assign us to be with. They were in a vacation when we were doing the other plans a while back..

We threaten the bodyguards if any of them said a word to anyone. They agreed and keep their mouths shut.

We did the same thing to the billionaire. We kept him in the basement along with the real Lee Yoona and her assistant.

It was 10:45 in the morning. Me Lisa, Hani, and Solji had some things to catch up while Hoseok plays games in his phone with Jin.

Time passed so fast.. Jin had told us about the party and it was today that's why we have to kidnap the billionaire this morning.

We have also talked about what we're going to do later at the party.

The doorbell rang. Hoseok opens the door and was surprised

"Who are you?" He asked the stranger.

"I'm pretty sure Y/n lives here..." his voice was a bit familiar to me..

"Jungkook?" I called out and waited for him to respond back

"Yeah?" The stranger said back. It was him.

Hoseok let him in.. He was wearing his a denim jacket, black jeans, along with his converse..

"Oh, Annyeong." He said in a low voice. He doesen't seem to be okay..

"You must be Jungkook. Hello I'm Jin. I'm so handsome don't you think?" Jin said, proudly.

Jungkook didn't answer and move on.

"I'm Hoseok." Hoseok said in a manly voice.

"Yah! It doesn't suit you, so shut up!" Solji said and that made us laugh..

"I'm Hani and this is Solji.." Hani greeted him.

He smiled a little bit then looked at me.
"What?" I said coldly.

"You look ugly af right now.." he said smiling. But the worst part is everyone laughed at his statement.

"I'm starting to like this guy!" Hoseok said while laughing..

"Yah!" He's in this position again..

Hello readers!! I know this is short.. but i hope you enjoyed it

Sorry for my awful grammar and for my typos. To lazy to recheck..😂

Please Vote and Comment. Tell me what you think.

Hani and Solji are part of the plan.. They were just in a vacation back then..

Jung Sunjae is an Unknown billionaire. He's apparently like Lee Yoona.. unknown..


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