Chapter 17

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This is Alexander as I see him. I thought this drawing I found was perfect. :)

As the holidays ended and term began, Astoria couldn't help but think of what would happen if she was taken from Hogwarts by her grandfather and what her grandfather would do to her. She knew she was safe, but she also knew that her grandfather would do whatever it took to make sure his plan came to fruition. She made sure to close her floo every night before bed and every morning before she left her office.

Snape check the wards around the school, making sure they worked, and checked on Astoria to see if she was ok. He could tell she was scared, so he kept reminding her that he would make sure that nothing happened to her and that she was safe. He paced his office thinking on how he can be alerted if something did happened to her. An idea formed in his mind, as he turned on his heal and left his office. He went to Astoria's office and knocked. Astoria jumps in her seat, but quickly calms down as she said, "Enter." Snape enters her office, walks up to her and said, "I have an idea on how I can be alerted, if something were to happen to you and how I can find you." Astoria looked up into his eyes as she said, "What is your idea. Please tell me." Snape smiles, "I was thinking perhaps I can charm your choker, that you're wearing, so that if something did happen, it will alert me and will track you. That way I can find you and rescue you. I think it's best if you leave your bracelet and necklace I gave you, behind. I don't what that insolent fool to take them from you." Astoria smiles, "You are absolutely brilliant, my love!!" Snape smiles back, "Thank you, Astoria. Your choker please." "Of course, Severus." said Astoria. Astoria takes off the choker and hands it to Snape. Snape pulls out his wand and waves it over her choker. The choker glowed golden for a moment, then fades away. Snape hands the choker back to Astoria. Astoria puts the choker back on and smiles, "This choker was my grandmother's." Snape smiles at her, then said, "Now, I will know if something happens to you and when it does. I will be alerted. I will come and find you, and bring you home." Astoria hugs Snape then kisses him. Snape hugs and kisses her back. Astoria then said, "Thank for doing this. I feel much safer now." Snape said, "You are very welcome. I would do anything to make sure you're safe." Astoria smiles as they stood there hugging each other for a while. After a few minutes they let go and Snape said, "I must go now. I have papers to grade. I will see you at dinner." Astoria smiles, "See you at dinner Severus." Snape smiles then leaves her office, his cloak billowing as usual.

That night as she laid in bed sleeping, a shadowy figure quietly moves through the corridors, towards her office. He non-verbally opens the door to her office and sneaks inside, quietly closing and locking the door. He unlocks the floo from the fireplace, then quietly sneaks into her room. He stuns her then picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. He, then walks out of her room and to the fireplace. He grabs some floo and throws it into the fireplace. He steps inside and says quietly but clearly, "Blackbourne Manor." The floo whisks them away, passing many fireplaces until they reached Blackbourne Manor. He stumbles a bit as he lands on his feet. He takes Astoria to the basement and sits her in a chair. He ties her up and makes sure the anti-apparition charm was in place. He points his wand at her and said, "Ennervate" Astoria awakens with a start and realizes that she is bound. She tries to disapparate, but couldn't. The man chuckles which made Astoria look up to see that it was her grandfather, "Do you really think that you can just disapparate from here?" He says coldly, "I made sure you couldn't, Astoria." The charm on her choker activated, with her grandfather being none the wiser. Alexander points his wand at her and said, with his voice steadily rising, "Now all I have to do is send a little note to your mother, telling her that I have her precious daughter. That if she ever wants to see you alive, she will have to come here and get you!"

Snape awoke abruptly to feeling something warm on his wrist. He rolls up his sleeve showing a silver chain bracelet around his wrist. The bracelet was glowing. He quickly puts his robes on and heads to her quarters. Upon entering her room, he sees that she's not in her bed. He knew something was wrong. The charm he put on the choker and bracelet was telling him so. His eyes widen when he realizes what had happened. "Astoria!" He shout. "I'm coming, Astoria!" He some how knew where she was. He goes to the fireplace and grabs some floo powder. He throws it into the fireplace. As the fire turns green he says, "Blackbourne Manor." and is whisked away. Snape lands lightly on his feet at the manor. He looks around, wand held at the ready.

The Half-Blood Princess (A Snape and Astoria Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя