Chapter 5

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Astoria awoke the next morning, took a shower and got dressed. She pockets her wand and looks at herself in the mirror. Satisfied with herself, she leaves her office, magically locking the door with a spell. She heads to the Great Hall for breakfast. As she walks past the 4 long tables where the students sat eating, she senses some of the students looking at her. She ignores it as she heads to the staff table. She takes her seat by Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey looks at her with a smile, "Good Morning Astoria." Astoria smiles back, "Good Morning Madam Pomfrey." Minerva McGonagall smiles at her from where she sits, "Welcome to Hogwarts and for joining our staff." Astoria smiles at Professor McGongall, "Thank you headmistress." Each staff welcomes her except for Professor Snape. Professor McGonagall glares at Snape and said, with a stern voice,"Severus, welcome our new staff." Snape glares right back at Professor McGonagall, but does as he is told. "Yes headmistress," Snape says curtly, then turns his gaze to Astoria, his expression blank once more, "Welcome to Hogwarts and to our staff." He says curtly, then looks away. Professor McGonagall sighs and look towards Astoria. "I apologize for Severus' demeanor." Astoria replies with a small smile, "It's alright headmistress. I'll be fine." Professor McGongall smiles and turns back to her food. Astoria does the same. Once breakfast was done, Professor McGonagall tapped her goblet. The students stopped talking and looks at her, as she stood up to talk, "Good Morning students. I'd like you all to welcome two new staff members. Firstly, She will be working under Madam Pomfrey as a mediwitch. Please welcome Madam Astoria Alderlade." Astoria stood up, bows, and smiles at the students, who clapped for her in welcome along with the staff. Astoria sat down smiling. Professor McGonagall smiles back at her then looks out to the students and continues. "Secondly, Professor Remus Lupin will resume his post as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." Professor Lupin stands up and smiles. The students clap loudly for him, a few even cheered for him. Professor Lupin bows slightly as he smiles, then sits down. Professor McGonagall looks around at her students once more as they begin to settle down again. "I expect you all to treat them with the upmost respect as you would treat any staff here. Is that understood?" She looked around at all the students. The students replied in unison, "Yes headmistress." Professor McGonagall, looking satisfied with herself, replied with, "Good. Now all of you get ready for your classes. You are all dismissed." Then she sat down. The students stood up and started to leave the Great Hall, Astoria watching them go. Madam Pomfrey gets up from her seat, as do some of the other staff. Astoria stood up as well. "I suppose we prep the Hospital Wing?" Madam Pomfrey nods. "Yes. You see, we do tend to have first years come into the hospital wing, usally from the Potions Classroom." Astoria looks curiously at Madam Pomfrey, "really?" Madam Pomfrey nods and sighs. "Yes. First years tend to some how muck up their potions and get some of the potions on themselves." They start to walk out of the Great Hall and towards the Hospital Wing. Astoria looks at Madam Pomfrey and asks, "I assume Professor Snape teaches Potions?" Madam Pomfrey nods again as she answers."Yes he does. Frightens half his students with just his mere presence." Astoria chuckles, "Amazing! To be able to frighten a student with just his presence." Madam Promfrey chuckles, "Yes. He does have a knack for it." The two enter the Hopsital Wing to prep for any students that will come to them. 

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