Chapter 3

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Thie pic above is how I see Astoria. :) 

Astoria Alderlade grew into a beautiful young witch. She finished Hogwarts with high marks and followed in her mother's footsteps. At 32 years old, Astoria goes back to Hogwarts to speak to Madam Poppy Pomfrey about working under her as a mediwitch.  She had sent Madam Pomfrey her credentials, weeks prior. Madam Pomfrey looks at her sternly. After looking at her credentials, replies, "I will have to speak with the Headmistress of the school. Wait here." Astoria nods in reply. Madam Pomfrey gets up and leaves her office.  Astoria sits in Madam Pomfrey's office waiting for her to return. Looking around, she sees that it's something of a spacious office. A dark oak desk with a few books and papers on it. A quill still in its ink bottle, and a comfy chair behind the desk. On one side of the room is a fireplace with floo powder on the mantle. On the other side of the room is a book case full of all sorts of book pertaining to anantomy, medicinal potions, diseases, etc. On a shelf behind her desk are the potions she uses on her patients, with cabinets below the shelves, that have even more potions for all she knew. She suddenly heard hurried footsteps heading her way. Thinking it was Madam Pomfrey, she sits up straighter and tries to remain calm, as she looks to the door. As the door opens, it was not Madam Pomfrey, but a tall man with sallow skin, dark glittering eyes, jet-black shoulder length hair, and a hooked nose. He wore all black from what she could see. The man stops in the doorway upon seeing her. He was carrying a box of potions he had made. Astoria looks away as he stares at her, but remains in her seat. The man simply says, "You must be the young witch Poppy has told me about." Astoria replies quietly, "Yes sir. I am." The man raises an eyebrow but says nothing as he sets the box down and starts putting the potion bottles away. Poppy enters the room shortly and sees the man restocking her stores. "Ah Severus thank you for restocking my stores. I have been running low on a few of them." Severus nods towards Madam Pomfrey in reply, as he resumes putting them away. Astoria looks from Snape to Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey looks at Astoria and says, "The Headmistress and I have talked and have come to an agreement." Severus continues to restock her stores but has started to listen to what Madam Pomfrey was saying. "You are hired as our mediwitch. You will work under me and make sure that the health and safety of our patients are our top priorty, understood?" Astoria replies, "Yes Ma'am, understood." Madam Pomfry looks at her a moment then says, "Very well. Welcome aboard." She smiles slightly to Astoria, then looks over to Severus who has just finished restocking her stores and was picking up the box, "Severus since you are here, will you show her to her quarters? It is just down the corridor. You know where it is." Snape looks at Madam Pomfrey and smirks, "I see you acquired a new pet?" Madam Pomfrey gives him a look and says in warning, "Severus..." Snape smirks at her, then looks at Astoria with a blank stare before turning and leaving the office. Astoria looks at Madam Pomfrey in disbelief. Madam Pomfrey sighs, "Just follow him Astoria. I hope you have a lot of patience, because you will need it, where he is concerned." Astoria glances at Madam Pompfrey and sighs, "I hope so too. Thank you for this opportunity, Ma'am." Madam Pomfrey smiles slightly again, "You are very welcome." 

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