Chapter 2

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The picture above is how I see  young Astoria Alderlade. :)

Eleanor eventually married Edward Alderlade, in a private wedding. Soon after, Eleanor had her first child, a baby girl named Astoria Alderlade. Eleanor looks down at her daughter, resting in her arms, tears brimming her eyes. She said, quietly, "When I am ready, I will tell you about your parentage and what blood status you truly are. I hope that you do not hate me for keeping this from you. That I only do this to protect you from my father." She hugs her daughter gently and cries quietly.

Astoria grew into an adorable 11 year old girl, who looked very much like her mother. She was sorted into Gryffindor when she went to Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, just like her mother. Before starting her 2nd year at Hogwarts she went to her mother, curious about something she overheard from a couple of slytherins, whilst she was at Hogwarts.

Astoria,with a curious experession on her face, goes to her mother and asks, "Mum, what does pure-blood, half-blood and mud-blood mean?" Eleanor looks at her daughter surprised. "We don't use that term 'Mud-blood' in a civilized coversation, Astoria. We use the term Muggleborn." Astoria looks down, "I'm sorry mum." Eleanor lifts her chin so that Astoria was lookng at her, "It's alright Astoria. Try to remember that, alright." Astoria nods. "ok mum." Eleanor smiles, "Pure-bloods are wizards and witches who, for the most part, have pure magical heritage. Half-bloods are wizards and witches who have Muggle heritage. They are considered inferior to some pure-blood families, but are considered superior to Muggle-borns," Astoria noted that she said 'some' in a somewhat bitter way, but said nothing, Eleanor sighs and continues, "and Mud-bloods are witches and wizards that, to purebloods, have no magical heritage, and are considered a "lower breed" who are undeserving of the magic they possess." Astoria, still curious asks, "What blood status am I? A few of my friends asked me, but I didn't know what to tell them, since I didn't know what blood status I am." Eleanor looks at her daughter and remembers what she promised herself. She thinks to herself 'please forgive me Astoria.' Then she smiles and says to her daughter, "Astoria, you are a muggle-born witch, because I am a half-bood witch and your father is a muggle-born wizard." Astoria smiles at her mother, "Oh ok. Thank you mum." "You're welcome, my dear Astoria." said Eleanor. Astoria hugs her mom, who hugs her tightly, in return. After they let go,  Astoria goes to her room to write to her friends about what blood status she was. Not realizing that what her mother told her, was in fact, a lie. Eleanor sits there, by the fireplace, looking into the fire and sighs, hoping her daughter will forgive her, for the lie she told. 

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