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Halla's POV

" Are you and Jimin, a thing now??" He suddenly asked out of nowhere making my eyes widened

" Mwoh?! Where did you get that nonsense??" I asked facing him completely

" Well. . It's just that. . I saw you earlier holding his hand and-"

" Am I not allowed to hold my best friend's hand?? Why did you even bother to ask me that when I sometimes see you holding Taehyung's hand, isn't that a bit weirder??" I raised an eyebrow

" I just thought that you and Jimin are dating, that's all" He said

" So what?? What if we are dating? Why do you care?? It's not like you like me - wait! Do you like me??" I asked him

" Wow! You're so straightforward" He said sounding really amaze

" Just answer my question" I sternly said

" Do I like you?? What if I do??" He held my hand and pulled me a bit closer to him

" Y-yah-" I was startled a bit but I quickly regained my self

" You truly are an International Playboy" I smirked at him

" Who told you that nonsense??" He asked letting go of my hand and stepping back a little

" Chimin" I said

" Who? Ji-"

" Look Playboy, I'm really hungry. Let's talk about it maybe- hmm? Never!" I rolled my eyes before turning around and walking to the cafeteria where I was supposed to be 5 minutes ago

Now I know that he's not all that goodie goodie, he may be kind but he's still a boy who can play with one's heart

As soon as I entered the cafeteria, the first thing I heard was my name being called so I looked over to where the voice was coming from and I saw Jimin waving his hand while sitting with the rest of his friends

I just ignored him and went straight to the line to get my food because I was so hungry

" What will you eat??" I was startled by Jimin who suddenly wrapped his arm around my shoulder

" Park Jimin!! Stay away from me if you still want to live" I said removing his arm

" Chill princess. By the way, wanna sit with us??" He asked

" First of all, I'm a queen not a princess. And also, I don't want to sit with loud and nosy people" I crossed my arms then looked in front

" Ah really? Namjoon hyung said he wanted to discuss the report that you and Jungkook made, and discuss what grade he will tell the higher teachers to give you guys. But I guess yo-"

" Fine!! Just shut your tiny mouth!" I said really irritated

" Great!! You know where to fin us" He winked before walking away. Of course I know where the table is, its the loudest one

After buying my snack, I started walking towards their table and I saw Hoseok with them so I fastened my pace and I quickly sat between Hoseok and this super white guy

" Hi Hoseok, I haven't seen you in a while" I smiled at him and he smiled widely at me but then as I was staring at Hoseok I can feel a pair of eyes on me so I looked across the table and saw Jungkook looking at us

" So Namjoon, let's end this quickly. I don't feel comfortable here" I said staring at Jungkook

" Ok. . The report you guys made was pretty impressive, from showing different types of bullying to how to overcome bullies. If I was a teacher I would definitely give you guys a perfect 100 score" He said

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