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Halla's POV

I walked to school today, usually I will call either Jimin or Hoseok to pick me up at my house but today is kinda different, I just don't feel like talking to anyone today, maybe because I had a dream; a dream that I shouldn't have

" Oh look it's Halla, how wonderful" I heard a very annoying squeaky voice as soon as I stepped in one of the hallways in my school

You thought I am the meanest person in this school but there is this one girl that's a lot worse than I am

" I'm not in the mood, I'll deal with you later" I said with a hint of boredom before walking pass her

" I'm talking to you!! Come back here!!" She pulled my hair making me fall

" I said I'm not in the mood to deal with sluts today!!" I stood up then I saw a few students started gathering around us

" Everyone knows who's the real slut around here. It is you Lee Halla" She slapped me

" That's it! First of all, I'm not a slut like you. Jimin never liked you, and now you're blaming me because of that attitude of yours. Hey Ji-ah wake up, Jimin will never like a monster" I stated

" Then why does he like you?! You're not different at all, you're a monster too!!" She said

" Listen carefully princess. I'm the most beautiful monster that you'll ever meet" I rolled my eyes at her but before I could even take a step, she grabbed my wrist harshly before throwing me down the floor

" Do something that'll make her suffer" Ji-ah said to her minions

" Can't handle me? Haha, poor Ji-ah" I laughed at her

" I can but sadly I don't want to because my hands will get dirty just by touching a trash like you" She looked very annoying

" Don't call an ambulance even if she dies" She added before walking away like nothing happened

Then her pretty minions started hurting me, slapping me back and forth, kicking me, punching me, and pulling my hair down, stuffs like that happen

But then as the crowd of students fade, they started pulling me to the back of the school. They locked me inside a small storage room, at first I didn't mind the smell of the old things that was placed in this storage but then I started to feel dizzy and I felt very hot, super hot. Beads of sweat started trickling down my face as I try to open the door. I can't even breathe steadily, not even a single window can be found in this room

" Help!" I shouted for every once in a while for the past 30 minutes that I've been in here

It felt like as if the room is on fire, it's so hot and I started coughing until my visions started to get blurry, the last thing I know is that I fell on the floort

" Jimin" I mumbled as I heard his voice before my eyes finally closed


Jungkook's POV

After eating at the café, Taehyung and I went straight to school then as soon as we entered, students are gossiping about something

" I heard that she doesn't like small spaces"

" I know she's mean but I kinda felt bad for her"

" She's at the storage room at the back of the school"

" Ji-ah is worse than Halla"

Murmurs and whispers like that haunts the school's crowded hallways

" Hyung, what are they talking about??" I asked Taehyung

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