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... Somehow, I really thought this epilogue was gonna end up being longer. xD Oh well :P

I hope you guys enjoyed this novella, and apparently you have. xD I got freaking 30-something votes on the first chapter, and I don't know how that's possible o_O

But, I love you guys, and check out my latest novel, "Fighters", if you'd like! :) thanks! ^~^

Now, please read/enjoy/vote/comment/follow cuz I'm a tired person, lol. 




Her eyes glued to the TV screen, Tetra's perched on the arm of our leather couch, and her brother, Sheik, is eagerly watching from his spot on the carpeted floor. I'm curled up next to Link; he has one arm wrapped tightly around me while the other is sheltering our daughter, Hailey-Faye, from all fear.

I hear a faint cry in the distance and motion for Link to turn the volume down. He complies while all three of our kids shoot me annoyed glances. Casting my motherly gaze on them all, one by one, I listen carefully for any more signs of my baby crying, and Link does the same. We wait for a few seconds before I decide it must be just my imagination and motion for Link to start the movie again.

After years of begging me and Link to watch the Hylian Fighters series, the kids finally got their wish - Link and I agreed to have a Hylian Fighters marathon with them now that they're all above the age ten. The eldest, Tetra, is now going on sixteen, and Sheik's at the golden age of thirteen; Hailey-Faye is now eleven, and the baby, Lily, is now three with an early bedtime.

So, here we are, together for family movie night, and from what I can tell, the kids are enjoying it - even Tetra who was thoroughly convinced that it would be "boring". Link and I can both tell that she's completely taken by Zinc and Faye's romance, and Sheik is loving all the action and the fighting. Hailey's just enjoying the popcorn and ice cream Link and I are allowing the kids to indulge on.

Watching these movies really take me down memory lane - I can remember the first Hylian Fighters movie I ever saw, and I remember the first time I watched one with Link. Now we're making new memories - watching them with the kids.

Link glances down at me, taking note of my sleepy gaze, "Are you sure you're going to make it through the rest of this movie, Zel?"

I fight to keep my eyes open, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure about that?" he laughs, nudging me slightly.

Making a halfhearted attempt at stealing popcorn from the bucket, I stifle a yawn, just so I can prove him wrong, "I'm sure, Link."

Rolling his eyes, he moves the bucket closer to me so I can get a good handful before popping a few pieces into his mouth himself, "If you say so, Zel."

Tetra whips her head to face us, "Mom, Dad!" she whines. "Stop being so loud! We're trying to watch a movie here!"

"Yeah!" Sheik exclaims in agreement.

Link and I exchange glances before simultaneously letting out a sigh. "Kids these days," Link states loudly, shaking his head.

A small giggle escapes my lips, and I have to cover my mouth in order to muffle the noise and avoid my children's glares. Although it's slightly annoying, I do like the fact that all three of them like the series that brought me and Link together.

Sheik lets out a disgusted grunt, and my eyes fly back to the screen - Faye and Zinc are about to have their first kiss... Tetra looks like she's fighting back the urge to act disgusted when she's secretly in love with how cute Zaye is. I know it.

Link covers Hailey-Faye's eyes despite her protests so she doesn't see their kiss, and Sheik throws his hands up before flinging a handful of popcorn at Tetra, "I give up! This romance kissing stuff is gonna kill me!"

It doesn't take long before I catch the mischievous look in Link's eyes. Slowly leaning in, he presses a soft kiss to my lips, and I kiss back, content with our little family.

Sheik lets out a loud exclamation, (not knowing where to look since there's kissing both onscreen and offscreen). "Ew!"

My husband and I don't care, and a laugh bubbles up within me as Link holds me in his embrace, similar to that of Zinc for Faye. It's perfect, really. We're perfect together.  

My Internet Love | Zelink Modern AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें