Chapter 4

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Yo peeps - Here's a new chapter. ;P This one's dedicated to ZeldaMaster64 for being one of my latest commentors and followers (I don't think that's a real word, lol, but whatever xD)

Anyways, like always, please read, comment, and vote cuz I'm a tired person, lol... <3



My phone begins buzzing excitedly at exactly 6:00, and my eyes fly open immediately, much to my annoyance. I hate mornings because I absolutely love my sleep. Waking up is one of the worst things in the world, in my humble opinion, and going to school is on my list of things I hate as well.

I swipe across the lock screen so it snoozes for exactly nine more minutes before it'll start buzzing again. Every last minute of sleep counts, and right now, I feel so exhausted that I really don't feel like getting up out of my warm, cozy bed to get ready to go to school. My eyes close once more, and I drift back to sleep for a little longer before my phone begins to blare its alarm again.

Annoyed, I sit up in bed and swipe my phone once more, blinking my eyes sleepily. I want to go back to sleep, but I know I can't, otherwise I'll be late. Heaving my body out of bed, I head over to my bathroom before beginning to brush my teeth.

Then, on go my blouse and slightly ripped jeans, shortly before my mismatching socks. My hair is a haphazard mess, and I try to sort it all out with my brush before throwing it into a quick messy topknot at the top of my head.

Unlike most girls at my school, I don't really apply any makeup, instead choosing to use the extra time to sketch a quick rough draft of a drawing I want to create later on my laptop. Then, I grab a quick breakfast before beginning my walk to school.

Upon my arrival at school, I go straight to homeroom in order to make sure I'm on time. It's already 8:00, but it doesn't feel like I've been awake for two hours.

Predictably, the day is a drag until seventh period – history. Much to my chagrin, Link keeps on peeking over my shoulder at my messages as I reply to them while the teacher drones on and on. However, he isn't as talkative or whispery as normal, and I'm curious as to what's up with him.

In fact, he doesn't even tease me about my "online crush" as he likes to say – Instead, he's unusually silent but just as nosy. I try to hide my phone from him, but he still manages to catch sight of the screen.

"Link, stop!" I whisper quietly to him, annoyed.

He doesn't remove his eyes from my phone screen, "Why should I?"

... He's such a jerk.

I grumble, "Because I'm asking you to!"

"... You're asking me to mind my own business?" he snickers. "Since when do I ever do that?"

We hush instantly as our teacher slows her talking but doesn't quite stop. Finally, she just sits at her desk, kicking her feet up, "Now you all have to read pages 347-389."

Relieved, I shoot an answer back at Link through my clenched teeth, "You should start now – You're so annoying!!"

He chuckles, "Am I really, Zelda?"

Rolling my eyes, I respond, my eyes glued to my phone screen, "Yes."

"Well, sucks to be you then, I guess," he snickers once more, purposefully leaning over to read over my shoulder.

Seething, I click on HylianFighter14's newest reply before typing out a response, hitting the keys of my phone with emphasis.

That's when Link makes a sort of choking noise. "... Zelda?"

I continue typing while spitting out a verbal response, "What, Link?!?!" How many more times must he distract me?

He's silent for a few more moments before finally answering me, nervously tapping his foot up and down on the floor, "... Who're you writing to, Zelda?"

... Staring at him for a few moments, I question, "Is that any of your business?" Then, I press send and start to look through my other notifications.

"Uhhhh, well, yeah, it kinda is..."

I put my phone down so that I can look at him clearly, "What in Hyrule are you even talking about, Link?"

Clearing his throat slightly, he responds, "Well... I mean, I don't know for sure, but... Who're you writing to, Zelda?"

Annoyed, I state firmly, "It's none of your business, Link!"

Rolling his eyes, he contradicts me, "I'm pretty sure it is, Zelda."

"Oh, yeah?" I challenge. "How so?"

Seconds later, his phone vibrates, and he holds it up to me, showing me the notification displayed on the lock screen:

"A new private message from Princess-Faye"


I freeze in what I'm doing, and my mind completely stops.

"Zelda," Link begins, "is this you?"


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