Chapter 5

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Yo peeps - here's the next chapter. XP Things are wrapping up, lol. This is like nothing compared to Scars  and Hey. XD 

This one's dedicated to Zelda_in_disguise - thanks for reading/voting/commenting!!! ^^ <3

(And thanks to Sheikahzen for listening to my rants, lol xDDDD)

Anyways, like always, please read, vote, and comment cuz I'm a tired person. xD



I swear, I'm so shocked that I can't even respond to Link. I just... stare at the screen for several minutes, trying to process what the heck is happening right now.

My mind begins to chant, This isn't real; this isn't real; this isn't real; this is a nightmare, but wait... Link is pretty cute so would that make this a dream? Wait, no, focus, Zelda! What the heck is wrong with my brain and train of thought?!?!

... I sound like one of those cringey fanfiction stories with the brainless heroine drooling over the extremely hot jerk. There's no way I'm stooping to their level... So... I have to snap out of this!

Yet, there it is:

"A new private message from Princess-Faye"

Link slowly lifts the phone from my grasp before unlocking it and handing it back to me.

I stare at the screen some more as I read off the exact same message that I literally just sent to HylianFighter14. Someone has to be pulling a very dumb prank because there's no way that Link can possibly be HylianFighter14.

But somehow, he has the message...

What the heck is happening? I feel like I'm in some weird episode of the Twilight Zone. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME?!?!

The silence between the two of us is broken when Link asks again, "Zelda? Is that you?"

I blink, "... Um... Maybe?"

"... You're Princess-Faye..." Link says, as though testing the words out.

It feels as though some invisible force knocked all the breath out of me, "Um... Yeah... I'm Princess-Faye."

It grows quiet once again before Link speaks again, "... And... I'm HylianFighter14... And I know you from online..."

Nodding uncertainly, I hand his phone back to him, still in complete shock. "I don't believe it."

He doesn't respond but begins to quickly type something out on his phone, showing me before he presses send:

"Link is HylianFighter14 >_<."

"What're you doing?" I question, raising a brow.

Chuckling as he presses send, he responds, "I'm testing this out. I want to see if you're really the girl I've been talking to online for this long."

Shrugging doubtfully, I continue to sit at my desk before my phone buzzes. Scared to see what my phone screen will reveal, I take my time in looking at what it says. But there it is:

"A new private message from HylianFighter14"

Swiping my finger across my phone screen, I gulp as I read the message:

"Link is HylianFighter14 >_<."




I turn to look at Link before showing him my phone screen.

We both fall deathly silent, trying to make sense of things, refusing to speak at all. I simply put my phone down and try to quell the mammoth butterflies that seem to be forming in my tummy, feeling my cheeks grow bright red.

Link is HylianFighter14.

He's seen my drawings.

He knows a lot about me already.

He knows how much I fangirl over Zaye and the Hylian Fighters series.

He also sits next to me in my history class.

I am Princess-Faye.

I've read the Zaye stories he writes, which are actually really great. He's an awesome writer.

I know how he secretly loves the fluffy romance scenes in the Hylian Fighters movies just as much as the fighting ones.

I happen to sit next to him in my history class.

The period passes by slowly as I'm completely conscious of the guy sitting next to me, and I pray that my very obvious blush dissipates. Watching him out of the corner of my eye (like that's totally not creepy at all), I take notice of how he's now drumming his fingers on his desk while sneaking glances at me too.

I'm not really thinking of anything in particular... Actually, that's a blatant lie - I'm thinking about him, and I can't stop.

Along with sneaking glances at me, he's also looking out the window longingly, and I remember that he hates being indoors. All these things he told me as HylianFighter14 come back to me, and I realize that they're one in the same - they're the same person with the same tendencies, likes, and dislikes. It's like my brain hasn't made that connection yet.

Finally, class is over, and I quickly make my way back to homeroom so I can escape Link's steady gaze.

Then, the school day is over, and I start to head home when my phone buzzes obnoxiously. Fishing it out of my pocket, I swipe my finger across the screen and see:

"A new message from HylianFighter14"

Tentatively, I read Link's message:

"Might I be allowed to walk the Princess home?"

... Is this like a stranger danger thing? He's not exactly a stranger since I know him from school... But... still...

I begin to type out a reply as quickly as my fingers will move:

"If you'd like. I'm outside."

Looking around for his blond head, I finally spot him in a rather large crowd. I wave him over, calling his name, "Link!"

He sees me and makes his way over, "Hey, Zelda..."

Shifting from one foot to the other nervously, I say, "... So..."

"So..." he echoes back. He's quiet for a few moments before speaking once more, "Let's get the Princess home safe and sound."

A smile spreads across my face, and I'm almost positive my stupid blush has made a reappearance. I don't know what I'm expecting - for him to take my hands and kiss me under the bright shining sun? - for him to declare his undying love to me? - for him to carry me home? - for him to push me to the ground and tell me it was all just a prank?

Instead, it's none of those things, and he just grins back at me before we begin walking away from the school building.   


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