.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} [5]

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Is this homework?" Kaoru picked a paper up.

"No, it's a list of the themes that the Host Club has done." She told them. The twins looked at each other.

"Oh, so it's your time of the month." They both said in unison.

"Yeah, and it sounds weird when the both of you say it." She looked off to the side with a grimace.

Kaoru placed the paper back down. "If you want a theme, choose something that's fun."

"Yeah, a host club is pretty boring if there's nothing fun in it." Hikaru added.

"I'll think about it guys." She picked another paper up and read through it.

It was the end of the day and Eri was walking through the court yard to the gates when Tamaki called out her name.

"Oi! Eri-chan~!"

She stopped and turned around. "Tamaki-san?"

He walked up to her. "I finally caught up with you!"

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I wanted to give you advice on the choice of your theme since almost everyone was giving one." He smiled.


"Good! Now what I think you should do for the theme is to make sure it entertains our guests!" He had a bit of seriousness in his eyes as he used his index finger near his face to point to the skies. "Our clienteles are what keeps the Ouran Host Club running!"

"I-I sure will..." Eri gave a forced smile. "Wouldn't that be the obvious reason to have a theme in the first place?"

"That's great!" Tamaki chimed. "I'll wait for your decision tomorrow!" And he ran away from her in a different direction. Eri turned around, huffed and continued to the gates.

As Eri waited for Kuro and Tora to pick her up, she heard a sudden shout filled with joy.


She turned around and there was Honey in the air coming towards her. "Honey-senpai!" She manage to catch him but it was so off guard that she caught him a little too far off the side and so she spun a little. When Honey's feet were finally on the ground, she felt a little dizzy. "Honey-senpai...don't...do that..."

"Gee, sorry, Eri-chan." Honey apologized. Eri shook her head a little to get rid of the dizziness as Mori showed up.

"What did you guys want to talk to me about?"

"We want to give you advice on the theme for the club!" Honey said with a big smile.

"M-More advice?" Eri said, a bit tired from all the advice she was given. Mori nodded with a grunt. She placed her hand on her forehead and then moved it to her hip. "Alright. What advice do the two of your have for me?" She gave them a faint smile.

Honey climbed on top of Mori's shoulders. "You should keep the theme simple."

"Keep theme simple." Mori repeated with a nodded.

"Simple..." Eri looked at them for a short moment before her car arrived. She waved bye to them and got in.

"Who were those boys, Milady?" Kuro asked, looking into the rear view mirror.

"Oh, just friends of mine in the club." She answered.

"They're wearing the girl's uniform. Are they trans?" Tora questioned.

"Uh, no! No!" Eri exclaimed. She forgot she kept her cross dressing debt a secret from Kuro and Tora. "Th-The uniform is worn by both genders!"

"How strange." Tora said as she looked into the side mirror that reflected Honey and Mori.


That night in her room, Eri tried to think up of a good theme for the host club. Who knew theme choosing could be so hard? She suddenly heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She told the person.

Tora walked in with her dinner on a platter. "Lady Eri, it's time for you to eat." She placed it by her bed and then noticed the papers. "What is this?"

"Oh, I'm choosing a theme for the club, Tora." Eri stopped biting the top of her pencil when she explained.

"Just what club are you in, Milady?" Tora questioned.

"Oh, just a club..." Eri looked the other way as Tora looked sternly at her.

"Take a break for now. The brain needs R&R for it to think of something." And she left the room.

Eri looked at the platter of food and then her stomach growled. Maybe she could use a break. she ate the food while watching a movie and then did some homework. When it was time for bed, she realized that she still doesn't have a theme yet. Eri sprawled out on the floor with her manga and books around her.

"What am I to do...?" Eri groaned and got up. She grabbed the remote from her bed to turn the TV off when she spotted a manga next to it. Something on the manga caught her attention. She picked it up and analyzed it. A boy with navy blue hair was on the cover, sitting in a plush chair. He had an eye patch over his right eye and wore Victorian style clothes as he displayed an stoic yet menacing look. Standing next to him was a tall man with black hair and red eyes. Eri concentrated more on the tall man, the gears in her brain working. He wore a tail coat suite and was holding a silver platter that had a shelf of small sweets, a skull with roses flowing out of it at the bottom shelf as he leaned close to the boy with a slight smile. As she stared at it more, sparks flew in her head and she smiled.

She finally had a theme.


"Butler theme?" Kyouya said in a questionable tone as the rest of the host club had the same confused look.

"Yes." Eri said with a smile. "Think about it, we're a host club so we should serve our costumers like a butler serves his master. Or, in this case, his lady. I bet most of the girls have fantasies about a handsome butler serving under them!" The host members looked at each other.

"That is excellent, Eri-chan!" Tamaki said with a goofy smile. "Our guest are our Ladies and so we must serve them with our undying beauty!"

"But we already were butlers." Hikaru stated.

"Yeah, at the flower reception theme Mori-senpai chose." Kaoru said following after.

"You guys were waiters. Not butlers. There's a difference." Eri explained.

"Let's get ready to open the club!" Tamaki commanded.

All of the members wore tail coated suites with white gloves that were brought in with rather superhuman speed and greeted the girls that came to the club like a butler greeting his lady. The girls absolutely loved it, which made Eri pretty happy. She was walking to her table with a tea set on a tray to serve them while also trying not to trip on the long pants she wore, the pants being the only ones that could fit her but with extra length in them. But of course, when she almost gets to her table, her foot gets caught on the length of the pants and she started to fall forward. Luckily, Mori was near by and caught her. He had also caught the tea set before it fell.

"You alright?" He asked Eri, holding her close to his chest as their faces were extremely close.

"Yeah." She said to him, her face heating up slightly from the close contact of their faces. Their faces almost kissing distance. The girls who saw squealed at the "moment" between Eri and Mori before Mori lifted Eri up back onto her feet. She took the tea set tray back and thanked him again before heading over to her table.


A/N: If you can tell me the name of the manga that Eri got her idea from, this chapter is dedicated to you! NO LONGER NEEDED, but feel free to. ^^

A/N2: Re-written!

.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें