Ch.5 Zelo Has A New Interest

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"You have to hold it like this" Hope helped Zelo to hold his chopsticks properly and moved his hand down to his lunch, where she guided him through successfully picking up the food and bringing it towards Zelo's open mouth.

"There," She sighed as Zelo chewed away happily, proud to have been made competent when it came to using his chopsticks to eat. Hope turned back to her food, believing that Zelo would be fine to eat correctly on his own now. Hope had fallen into a daze as they all ate and Jongup stared at Youngjae curiously as he brought the rice in front of him to his lips, clamping his mouth over the food before sitting up straight again.

"What are you reading Youngjae?" Jongup's questioned pulled Hope back to the real world and she followed the three pairs of eyes already looking at the male in question. Youngjae was holding a book in one hand and he manoeuvred the chopsticks in his other hand to easily eat the food whilst his eyes rolled across the pages quickly.

"A book"

"What's the book about?" Zelo asked, not liking Youngjae's simplistic attempt to answer.

"A book that explains how to use something the called a television" He muttered, still concentrating on the book wholeheartedly as Hope's brows furrowed in confusion.

Is he reading a TV manual? Hope stared at Youngjae being absorbed in the words of the book and shrugged to herself.

I suppose it won't hurt if I don't tell him those TV's went out of date before I was even born.

Zelo spoke, trying to ask Youngjae more questions about his 'book' and about the so called TV's that it was describing. But to his disappointment, Youngjae became further lost in the book and didn't even hear the voice of the robot to give him a grunt in response. Hope nudged Zelo, making him look at her with curious eyes as she finished chewing her food.

"Why don't you tell me about that really cool thing you said you saw earlier on the way to school?" She asked him and Zelo instantly brightened as he remembered what Hope was talking about. He began rambling on in an excited chatter, using his hands to describe what the thing looked and telling her about what it was doing when he saw it.

"And then the kid riding it pushed off the ground and he rolled away as if he were flying!" Zelo exclaimed as Hope watched and she gave a tilt of her head that was resting on the support of her hand.

"Do you mean a skateboard?" She asked and Zelo stopped talking to blink at her with empty, unsure eyes.

"You want a skateboard?" She asked and Zelo smiled unsurely.

"Is that what they're called?" He asked and Zelo nodded as Hope gave a small smile.

Maybe I should get Zelo his first skateboard, every kid needs one at some stage right?


"Let's go, we have to go back to class" Hope stood up as the four boys surrounding her looked up at the way the canteen was slowly becoming emptier and emptier.

"Again?!" They exclaimed and Hope nodded, picking up her tray and walking to the closest bin.

"We still have four classes to attend today" She informed as they followed her, putting their rubbish in the bin and sitting their tray atop of it like they had watched Hope done seconds before them. Most of the class had already arrived by the time the four of them had entered the room and walked towards their seats. Mr Jung soon entered the classroom after them and a few others who had sighed in relief when they realised they couldn't be considered late when the teacher wasn't here to scold them.

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