Ch.30 It's Time To Go.

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"This one has to be it" Yongguk whispered to himself rather than to the people next to him but the others still looked around, trying to find more evidence that this was the place they were meant to be.

"Hey look it's the flying freak over there-!"

"Zelo shut the hell up!" Himchan jumped at Zelo, covering his mouth sneering right into the boy's ear in a way that sent shivers of horror down his spine. Himchan looked at Yongguk, fixing a pointed stare at him that the leader only shrugged in response to. With a look in his eyes and a not so gentle shove with a rough hand to the back, Yongguk sent Youngjae forward, forcing him to be the one to check if the coast was clear. With the other four sticking to the wall as they followed, Daehyun waltzed ahead of the group to join Youngjae's side.

"So genius, what's our plan?" Daehyun not so quietly asked Youngjae, as if he had been the one unconscious in the back seat when they were given the plan.

"Lee Hope!" The tallest of them all rose his voice again and no one was able to stop him when Zelo shot out from against the wall and towards the body of the girl in the seat.

"Choi Zelo!" Yongguk snarled but he stayed pressed to the wall as Zelo dropped to his knees beside Hope. The girl groaned. Her whole body was in pain, her head throbbing and a wince breaking as she was brought out of her unconscious state.

"Zelo? What are you doing awake?" Her voice was crackly and her throat was dry and she shut her eyes again as she coughed and her whole body shook. Zelo took Hope by the shoulders, making her look at him.

"Who was it that did this to you Hope? Tell me who it was and I'll go and kill the rotten bastard. I'll make him wish he was never born. I will throw his body right back to the planet that the asshole came from" Zelo rattled off in a voice of fury and panic.

"Then, I assume it is me you're looking for?" Kai made his entrance, returning to the room with a knife between his fingers, skilfully twirling the weapon, letting droplets of blood fly away. Yongguk bellowed a deep roar through his lungs that tore through his throat and he moved forward with his team on his trail. They covered Hope, standing in front of her protectively with Jongup moving behind the chair she was bound to, taking the ropes and untying them whilst the others kept Kai distracted.

"You filthy bastard!" Zelo charged forward, still struggling to keep his own balance as he tackled Kai to the ground. The knife was slapped away from Kai and it bounced along the floor as Kai took the unexpected hit, his back landing with an echoing thud against the hard floor.

The door flew open and Suho made himself visible from deep in the shadows of a corner, sneaking up quickly as ten more bodies flooded into the room through the door. Himchan ducked when Zelo raised Kai in the air throwing him straight at the water controller and sending them both into the wall behind them. Jongup finally had Hope released and he rushed around the chair to stand in front of her and help her to her feet.

"My legs" Hope let out a whimper and Jongup looked down at her legs, seeing the drying blood that covered her skin.

"Dear god that looks horribly painful" Jongup exasperated helping Hope walk away from the scene by picking her up and running away.

"Are you ok princess?" Daehyun chased them, opening the door to the minivan once they were in reach.

"Everything hurts" Hope cried and Daehyun finally took notice of what had been done to her. His blood ran cold, or maybe it had stopped moving, Daehyun couldn't tell what the feeling was. All he knew was that there wasn't a time where he had been angrier than he was now. He felt his eye twitch and he looked over his shoulder at the war taking place, his fists clenching until his fingers were a pale white. His body turned in a quick motion, showing the pair his back as he ran for the first person he saw.

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