The First Time Saving Her

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"Hope, come downstairs quickly sweetheart!" Mrs Lee called from the kitchen, Mr Lee moved to hurriedly shove her birthday card underneath the medium sized present that was placed in the centre of the average sized kitchen table.

Hope let out a growl of frustration, she had been hoping to have the privilege of sleeping in on the morning of her birthday, but clearly, her wishes weren't meant to come true and this realisation dawned on her as she looked at the glowing numbers showcasing the time of morning it was from her phone. Hope let out a whine of complaint and rolled out of the bed in an embarrassing style, mentally being thankful for the fact that no one could see her fall face first to the floor.

"This is going to be a great day" Her words hissed out were laced with sarcasm and a bitter tone as she pulled herself to her feet and made her way to the kitchen.

"Good morning" Hope greeted her parents at the same time she went to collapse into one of the kitchen chairs lazily.

"Don't even think about it young lady, I want you to go shower and get dressed, we're doing the family visits today, remember?" She was met with her parents forced smiles and Hope groaned as she dragged her tired body out of the kitchen. When her parents heard the slam of her bedroom door shutting and the downpour of water flowing from the shower they set into action.

"Let's go now, or it'll be too hard to go if she sees us" Mr Lee mumbled as he pulled their stuff out from the shoe cupboard with urgency. Mrs Lee gave a sad nod, quickly putting her shoes on and the two rushed out the front door, closing it behind them and fleeing into the safety of their car. With one last glance at the window of their child's room, they were gone, praying that this was the right choice to make for her safety.

Heartbroken, of course, they knew she would be. But safe, well not even they can have every one of their wishes come true.

And that's how she was thrown into a life without parents, who knew where they were because she certainly had no clue. It had been a long day for Hope and she shut her front door behind her with a tired sigh, the same door that her parents walked through with the intention of making no return. Once her shoes were off she walked up the stairs and into her room, changing into some comfortable clothes before walking back down the stairs and to the door again with her phone and headphones in hand.

This was the normal after school routine for Hope, get home, change into something that wasn't her school clothes and go for a walk around her big local park to free her mind and let the riddling thoughts rest for a little while.

And though she was alone everywhere she went, and the thoughts had all the time in the world to come and go, they came, but they never left her alone, they were the only company she ever had, but she wanted them gone. And the park was the most relieving place for those thoughts, they became less noticeable, more tolerable and not so saddening once she was surrounded by the beautiful place, it was her favourite place to go because it gave the illusion that the thoughts were gone.

By now, Hope had been walking for a long time, lost in her false clear thoughts and unable to realise just how dark the sky had become. Streetlights lit up her path as she hummed along to the song blasting from her headphones. The park was big, Hope thought it was at least the size of two football ovals full of peace. But tonight the air held a different aura, it was eerie as if danger would soon be faced if she didn't choose to leave now.

With a swallow, Hope lowered her head and turned up the volume of her music, hoping that her favourite band singing to her could lull her into a state of calmness, instead of making the hairs on the back of her neck raise. But even with VIXX blasting straight into her eardrums, that feeling wouldn't disappear. But she stayed and as she began to realise no one was around, that feeling of safety fell over her again as she loosened up. That was until there were footsteps coming from behind her, she lowered the volume of her music, hearing the persons rushed steps, they were in a real hurry, they were almost running towards her.

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