Ch.2 Who the hell are you?!?

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"Hey you, hey open your eyes. I know you're awake" Hope groaned as she scrunched up her face in annoyance.

"Give me five more minutes" She muttered, waving her arm at them, only to open her eyes and hiss in pain. She rushed to sit up but stopped as she screamed in pain.

"You're awake!" Who the hell is talking to me?

Hope opened her eyes, and when she saw who was surrounding her she began to scream.

"Oh my gosh who are you and what are you doing in my house?!" She wailed as she stumbled to move back, she groaned as pain shot through her body and collapsed back on the softness of her bed.

"Well is that really any way to treat those who saved you from being kidnapped and taken to a whole new planet?" One scoffed, followed by receiving a smack on the back of the head that rose a moan of pain from their throat.

"Ow, what the hell was that for?!"

"Don't be smart" Another hissed and Hope looked at them, the six of them surrounding her bed, all perched somewhere comfortably as if they were waiting for her to wake up. Five of them were giving her charming grins, whoever it was that received the slap over the head was grumbling, too busy looking down to give her a smile and the one who hit them had a stronger grin than the others.

"Um, hello?" She gave an awkward tilt of her head and their smiles grew, which she figured shouldn't have been possible.

"Hello Hope, we are the six strongest warriors sent from Mato Planet to protect you, we are B.A.P" The leading warrior started by introducing who his group was and Hope gave them a disbelieving quirk of her eyebrow.

"Right, so first you enter my house, lord knows how-"

"Yongguk kicked your door open" One of them cut in and Hope sent them a glare.

"Yongguk kicked the door open to get into my house, and now you're trying to tell me your warrior aliens coming to earth to protect me after watching me sleep for who knows how long? Yeah sure. You guys need help get out of my house now and I won't call the police on you" Hope demanded, sitting up slowly because of her pain, surely if she acted angry they would leave and ignore the fact that her sudden injuries have made her weak right?

There was another stifled chuckle and a slap as Hope looked up at them with a murderous look reflecting in her eyes.

"We're still healing and you won't believe us? You really wanna throw us out on the street?" One of the blonds frowned, mocking sadness as he pulled up his sleeve and showed Hope where there was indeed a big gash recovering, slowly knitting together before their very eyes the way Hope imagined optic fibres would if they could move.

"What the hell is that?" She gasped, backing away onto her bed and away from his arm.

"That's one of the wounds I got from protecting you from those freaks trying to take you back to EXO Planet" He answered and suddenly the men decked in unique black clothing and blond headed men that came to her rescue before she lost consciousness crossed her mind.

"It was you who saved me" Hope gasped and they nodded.

"You're not wrong" One of them spoke up and Hope looked at them.

"Then who on earth are you?" She asked and Yongguk spoke up again.

"Like I said, we are Mato Planets six strongest warriors who were sent to protect you-"

"Firstly I meant your names and secondly, sure you saved me and all but how the hell am I meant to believe that?" Hope cut Yongguk off and Yongguk stared at her in astonishment, no one was ever daring enough to cut the world's strongest warrior off mid-sentence.

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