Ch.27 The Worst Of The Worst

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"Alright, which one of you wise asses decided to put salt on my toothbrush again?!" A steaming Yongguk came barging into the room as the doors swung open with a bang and he made his presence known. Hope stared on in confusion, munching on her cereal as the boys around her stifled their laughter behind their hands and by shoving their breakfast into their mouth.

"Hey, when did you get the time to do that to your hair?" Hope chimed in as she eyed Yongguk's hair. Though he was irritated and it showed in his actions, Yongguk pulled a face of confusion as he pulled his fingers through the hair on his head. The others looked at each other, as if they were all just noticing that their own hair, as well as each other's, was doing the same thing as their leaders.

"I haven't done anything to my hair. I showered an washed it and now it's dry" Yongguk shrugged but he looked like child soon after when he took his bangs and tried to put them in front of his eyes.

"No Yongguk, your hair is darker than it usually is. Are you sure you're not changing the colour?" Jongup asked him.

"You can talk you little pest! Look at the colour of your hair! It's gotten darker as well!"

"And so has yours! What are you yelling at me for when yours is practically brown you bumbling fool!"

"Excuse me? There is absolutely nothing wrong with my hair. You're the one who's been spending hours on end in the bathroom so you have to be dying it!"

"Zelo shut up no one wants your input!"

"I beg your pardon? You all want me to be quiet? Why don't you shut up for once? No one on this table trusts you but you're still sitting here running your mouth!" Zelo shot back at Daehyun in a bitter yell, he twitched with a sudden glitch running through his system. All arguing amongst the group came to a halt and the canteen seemed to visibly darken as the shock of Zelo's outburst resonated in the air.

Hope, who had stood up and moved away in the simple bickering, in case violence broke out, froze in her spot, somewhere in the middle of the canteen and away from both of the groups. It was silent until Daehyun laughed, chuckling as he shoved his spoon around in the food on his tray.

"At least I'm not a robot that can't have feelings like trust and mistrust" Daehyun looked at Hope when his lips turned up in a smirk and Zelo jumped out of his seat to move towards her and cover her from Daehyun's view.

"I'll have your pea sized brain informed that I have no difficulty in feeling emotions and I don't have to act like a possessive perverted freak to show them" Zelo took Hope by her elbow and pulled her out of the room, slamming the canteen doors open and letting them slam shut in their wake.

"So, am I gonna be told who did it?" Yongguk gestured to his toothbrush, much to the amazement of everyone else in the room. Jongup bit his lip, keeping his grin to himself, but when Yongguk sat down with a sigh, trying the taste on his toothbrush one last time, he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Moon Jongup!" Yongguk yelled, the chair he sat in falling on its back as he shot out of the seat and charged after the escaping Jongup.

"Get back here you scumbag!"


"I'm sorry about that, Hope" Zelo's head twitched and his body froze just before Zelo said her name, but Hope shook her head, trying to give Zelo her best smile as they sat down on his bed.

"It's ok Zelo, none of us knew the arguing was going to take that sort of turn" She reassured Zelo who let out a deep breath as he laid down, getting comfortable on the bed and resting his head on Hope's stomach after she leant back.

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