Chapter Seventeen "My name is Anna."

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667 Words (short, yes)
Paris's Pov-

"How did you sleep?" His deep voice meets my wide awake ears. I've been wide awake ever since he visited my room last night, and awoken me with his enchanting voice.

"Uh.. Fine and you?" I question quite awkwardly. How could he had not known I was awake? Did he? Or did he just not care to show it?

A growl erupts from my throat, making Xavier look at me worried. "What's wrong?" I shake my head, laying it on my arms on the marble table and shutting my eyes. Why is being me so hard?

"You can tell me what's wrong Paris. I won't tell anyone, I'm not going to.. hurt you." I almost laugh, he's not going to hurt me? He's said that and used that too many times before now. How do I know it's not a lie this time?

"Xavier you shouldn't say things that you know you're going to break." I whisper, standing up before walking out of the kitchen, the coffee cup burning my skin, leaving a weird pleasurable feeling of pain.

What do I do? Where do I go? My family has already proved to me, how foolish I am. How stupid I am.. How sick they are.

I'm feeling too much at the wrong time, I need to leave. I need to get out of here.

I need to live.

For the first time in my life, I feel a goal that I have somewhat want to achieve. No.. I need to achieve. I feel a grin form on my lips and I run up the stairs, grabbing a bag and throwing the clothes I had not packed when I first left this house.

My home.

I need a new home, a new reason to live. I need to start fresh, and I know just where to go.

I run down the stairs quietly, opening the front door and leaving my past behind.

Leaving what I had loved, behind.


"Are you lost?" A girl comes up to me, a shy smile on her lips. Her hair is red, and her eyes were bright green. She was human, just like the rest of the people surrounding me.


"I'm afraid I am.. Do you know where I can start a new life at? Or find a ground area to live at?" I'm horrible at talking to humans, they unnerve me with their way of life, how they don't live like wolves shocks me, intrigues me.

But it freaks me out by so much.

"Darling, you sound like a wild animal." She starts giggling before holding her hand out. "My name is Anna, call me whatever you want though. And yes, I know where you can start fresh." She smiles at me, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards an unknown place.

"I left my pack.. Do you know where I can go?" She turns around and looks at me like I'm a new type of species. Or I said something wrong.. Did I?

"Pack? You're not a wolf, honey. Where did you come from anyways?" I look at her with wide eyes, did I really say pack?

"I uh.. I don't know." I whisper sheepishly. I sound like a teenager.. And a human one.. Kinda.

"Well I guess it doesn't matter where you came from, just where you're going. Your future. What is your name?" Her voice is so soft that it calms me down. Could I really afford to make friends? Especially a human?

"Paris, Paris Evans." She smiles at me before beaming and hugging me.

"Well Paris, I'm going to lead you to your new life."


Short yeah I know, I've just been super busy and blah blah blah. It's been stressful and school is tiring me out and I'm just losing my mind.

Plus this new update is making me mad, I hate writing on it.

But anyways, how was the chap? Yeah it's different, I know but everything will come together.

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