Chapter Thirteen "That's cute King Kane."

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Paris's Pov-

"I think you should leave her alone." I speak strongly, walking out of the bathroom and standing in front of London. Kane looks at me with piercing, angry eyes but they soon calm down as I feel my wolf clawing out, and any wolf can sense the others wolf.

"Alpha Paris.. what are you doing up here?" He asks me, as he moves backward, quickly putting his hands behind his back casually, although I still remember the image of the whip swinging in his hands and I know that's where London's scars form from.

"We were having a girls night, she showed me many amazing things that I have never known of before. She's a real beauty, very kind Kane. You should be proud that she's your mate." I speak, my voice echoing through the quiet room. I feel London's body shaking from beside me so I quickly hold her hand, hiding it behind our backs in a motherly way. She will not be scared of this man.

"Oh, is that right? What type of things, Paris?" I look at him with a glare before pulling her towards the bed and sitting down.

"Food. All types of food, and shows on the tv. She taught me many places in her pack that I can get traded goods from." I say, looking up at him, my sight not wavering from his.

"Interesting. Well, I think you should know Paris that Legend is downstairs waiting for you. I'm sure they'll tell you the room you'll be staying in for the night." He speaks with a final tone, a glare in his nineteen year old eyes and I find it amusing that my king thinks he can tell me what to do.

I'm not even supposed to be part of this kingdom, no rogues or rogue leaders should be. So legally, he shouldn't and can't tell me what to do.

"That's cute King Kane, that you think you can tell me what to do.. but really, you're not my king at all. I'm actually the leader of myself because rogues aren't even considered part of the kingdom anymore because they were forced to leave their packs and die on their own. But, since I became rogue and an alpha, I stopped that. So I really am my own leader.. but if it makes you feel better, I'll let you boss me around just this once." I smile a fake one, with a wink before giving London a reassuring squeeze and letting go, standing up and walking towards Kane.

I lean down to his ear and whisper, in a quiet but rough tone. "Touch her with that whip or your hands like that one more time and you won't have any anymore." I smirk at him, before turning around and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind me.


"Where were you? Paris, you can't just leave me alone like that. I'm your mate and I worry about you all the time. What if someone had tried to kill you? Or hurt you? I couldn't live with myself. I was looking around the whole kingdom for you and I-" I cut Legend off with a click of my tongue, and suddenly the anger that's been building up releases, and I know I'll regret this, but I can't stop it.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I'm an Alpha, Legend! That's something you're not! All you are is an Omega! You deal with your damn feelings all the time, worrying about yourself. You were only worried about me because you wanted some attention! My Moon Goddess, do you think I'm that stupid? It's ridiculous! I was having fun Legend! I felt like a.. a real girl for the first time in my life! I felt alive, I felt happy. Do you know what it's like to live a life that's always 'you have to do this alpha,' 'there's an attack alpha' 'you need to train more alpha' 'your mate needs you, alpha.' It's horrible! It's absolute hell! I can't even live my life anymore.. I never really did though." I laugh harshly, turning my head to see Legend in tears and I sigh, running a hand over my face.

Yes, I feel horrible for my outburst. Yes, I am a bitch. Yes, I'm a horrible mate. But no, it was all true.

I can't even live my life.. if only he really knew what Ocean had fully told me. If only any of you, knew what she told me. But you don't, I've made sure that you don't.

"I-I'm s-sorry," he whispers sobbing in the corner, his knees pulled up to his chest. I plop down on the bed face first, putting a pillow over my head and screaming into the mattress. If only any of you knew..

"Babe, please, I'm sorry.. I didn't know you were that stressed." I hear him get up and begin to walk towards me but I stay in the same position. He can't deal with me right now, I can't deal with him at this moment. He can't know, I can't let him know what's really happening, why I've been so stressed, why tonight having a girl moment with London had meant so much to me. Why needing to get away from this place is so important, why I want to run away.

"Babe please.." He puts his hand on my shoulder and tears begin to fill my eyes that are tightly shut. I feel a sob form in my throat but I won't let it out. I can't.. I'll sound weak.

I can't sound weak.

I won't let them do this.. I won't let them kill me.


"Babe, what's wrong? Paris, I know there's something else so why don't you just tell me? Do you not trust me? I know I'm an Omega and all but I'll be here.. I am here so just tell me and I can help you and I will-" I cut him off with a shout that stops his tears, and makes mine fall.

"The packs are revolting against their alphas and planning an attack to kill me!" And that's when he gets up, and shuts the door.

He leaves, as I cry.

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