Chapter 6 - The Great Escape

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Chapter 6 - The Great Escape

I awoke to the sound of the floor boards creaking, I smiled and felt better that he was home.

I sat up and slowly walked into the living room, and it wasn't daring I saw it was three large men.

I quickly and silently went back to my bedroom and shut the door making sure there was no noise.

I grabbed the bag that daring  made incase anything happened, there was money, passports, gun and a phone in it, I grabbed it and threw it over my shoulder.

I grabbed my suitcase from under the bed and and picked up.

I quietly opened my window and stepped out onto the fire exit, I threw my suitcase down the bottom landing on a bin. Quietly made my way down stairs on the fire exit.

Once I made it down stairs I made my way to my car, I shoved the bag and suitcase and made sure I had the gun shoved down my pants incase anything happened, unlucky for me I was in my pyjamas and it was freezing outside.

I hoped in the front seat and made my way to raven and dexters house, when I was driving I called daring off the phone to make sure he didn't go back home "hello" I started crying sound of his voice "daring" he gasped "cerise baby are you ok" I sniffled "yeah I'm fine, dont go home, someone broke in, I ran away" he started panicking "oh baby I'm sorry I left, we should have left straight away" I sniffled "baby where are you now, we need to get you out of that car and get rid of it" i kept crying "baby I'm sorry, I'm coming to get y.........." he was cut off by the sound of my screams.

The glass in my back window shattered, I looked behind me to see a van behind me, I sped ahead, yes I was pregnant but my father taught me how to drive pretty well.

They sped up too and I picked up the phone "baby, oh fuck hurry john find where the fuck she is" I started screaming when I heard gunshots "Daring, I'm on my way to my parents, meet me there" I hung up the phone.

I sped to my parents house, I decided to ring someone I know can help me "hello, who's this" I heard my cousin ronaldo say "Ronaldo it's me, I need help I got these people chasing me, they got guns, be ready I will be at home in a few minutes" he got up and started yelling out "we got bastards chasing my cousin, get ready" I hung up the phone and continued speeding down down the road towards mom and dad house.

These bastards just wouldn't let up, they kept shooting at my car, they got a pretty lousy shot if you ask me, yes i grew up in the slums of town but at least I knew how to contain myself, my cousin that lives next door and he is a drug dealer and pretty well known around town that he doesn't take well to people fucking around with his family.

I slowed down and got down, all of a sudden I heard guns going off and I knew I was safe for now, I heard my dad yelling, Ronaldo must have woken him up great.

I then heard a car pull up, I looked up to see daring and a truck as of people. The gunfire went for what seemed like forever until I heard someone run up to my car, I looked and it was daring.

"Oh baby I'm so sor.." I cut him off by kissing him. He then grabbed the bag and left the suitcase, there was shooting going off in the entire street, daring grabbed my hand and we ran towards my mom and dads house, dad was out the front yelling at the boys.

"Dad, I'm sorry" I ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged me back. I saw my mother came out side, and everything went in slow motion.

I saw One of the men from inside the house pull out his gun and aim it at my mom "MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM" I screamed and the bullet shot her straight through her leg.

She fell down on her knees, it went back to normal. I ran to her and caught her before she hit the ground too hard and I dragged her limp body inside "momma" she started coughing "cerise my girl" she whispered and started stroking my cheek "shhhhh it's ok mom, everything is going to be ok now I got you" she was still coughing up blood.

She pulled off her necklace that she has had since I was a baby and gave it to me with shaky hands she put it in my hand "look after those babies for me" I shook my head "mom" she swiped a tear from my cheek "you will be ok, I love you my little cherry" she slowly started closing her eyes.

"Cerise come on we have to go now" I turned to see daring, his arm was bleeding "cerise, I will be ok, go get out of here" I nodded and kissed her head "I love you mom, please be ok" she nodded, she was extremely weak but she was alive.

I got a pillow and put it under her head, me and daring ran out side and there was a van waiting there for us, DARING grabbed my hand and dragged me to the van, "dad, moms inside she needs help" there was a man inside the van and he jumped out "I will help her, go and get out of here" I nodded and mouthed thank you.

He shut the back of the van door and as we were driving off I watched him run inside the house to my mom.

Here we are speeding through town trying not to look suspicious to speeding police cars heading towards the shoot out in my home street.

We were heading towards the airport and apparently darings father owns a jet and we where heading to Lucerne in Switzerland, where darings family was originally from. 

Apparently darings father had organised us to go there for protection for me and his grandchildren which made me feel abit better about the situation but not safe far from safe.

We pulled up next to a luxury Jet, on the side was a gold shield that had
"Der charmante Clan" in big blue letters written in the side "what does that mean" I asked Daring curious "it means The Charming Clad" I rose my eyebrow because I wanted to know what the hell that meant "well my girl, you are going to meet my family, now don't worry they aren't all quite as hard headed as my dad but they are extremely good at protecting there family which is exactly what we need at this moment for you and our babies" he said and smiled at me.

He shut the car door behind me and said thank you to the driver, who happened to be a very skilled assassin who has had many get always in her time and was also a girl that I recognised as Lizzie hearts from high school, she wished us all the best and that if we ever need her that she is only a call away.

We walked towards the jet and there was two pilots "Bert, good to see you" the man came towards and held his hand out to shake darings hand.

Daring gave him a hard hand shake, he then held out his hand to shake my hand, I held it out and he gently shook it and smiled "lovely to meet you miss hood, I will be your captain" I smiled and shook my head "lovely to meet you too"

The pilots went straight into the regular sized jet, and me and daring followed, I looked back to see the good soils of America, a sight that I probably won't be seeing for a while. We stepped and I nearly passed out at the sight of the inside, it looked much smaller on the outside there was brown leather seats through out and at the end there was a bed that was begging me to sleep in, daring led me to two seats for us to sit in.

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