Chapter 15

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"Shit" I mumbled to myself when I burnt my finger cooking pancakes. The boys and I woke up before Hayleigh and decided today will be a day for her. Nate and I were cooking while Sam and the rest of the boys set up the table, blew up red balloons, threw rose petals around the table, set up the smoke machine, and set up the treasure hunt. Oh yeah did I forget to mention? I'm gonna propose to her... Tonight. I put her promise ring back on her ring while she slept. I finished cooking and placed it on the table. I checked my plan one last time. Breakfast... Mall... Home... Get dressed... Boys hide at Restaurant... Eat food... Perform the proposal. I smiled and we all went into the theatre room where she still slept.


"Good morning!" I quickly sat up at the sudden noise screaming. I look over to see Ryland and the boys with big smiles. Ryland runs over and picks me up spinning me around "so last night was a terrible night so today and tonight we are going to have a day all about you and I am going to prove to you that no matter how many girls I meet or whatever you are the ONLY girl for me" he smothered my face in kisses making me giggle. I look down at his body to see him wearing a suit "why are you wearing a suit?" he smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. I looked at the rest of the boys to see them all in suits. Oh we have new members? I smiled and waved at the new arrivals. They grinned bigger and waved like idiots. I'm carried into the dining room to see it looked amazing. I looked at Ryland wide eyed "what is this?" he set me on my feet and I look around at it all. It looks so magic! I quickly went to sit down but Ryland beat me to it and sat down pulling me into his lap. I giggled and fidgeted all excited. He finally nodded and I dug into my food. I didn't care if I looked like a pig. I ate a bit of pancakes, ice cream, strawberries, eggs, bacon, muffin, apple, chocolate... By the time I was finished I was full. I looked up to see all the boys eyes were wide "did you eat last night?" Nate asked concerned. I shook my head sadly. Everyone went quiet when Nate quickly jumped. I looked at him confused. He was looking at the floor and was standing on his chair now holding a fork aiming at the floor. "What's wrong?" I stand up and walked around the table to see Batman. I burst out laughing and picked her up "Hayleigh! Oh no, don't pick it up, its a vicious little beast!" I giggled "Oh no, she's gonna eat me. Careful Nate, she's gonna kill you with her snuggles" he looked at me with wide eyes as if he actually believed me. Everyone burst out laughing and he burnt bright red. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the chair. I pulled his hand near Batman. She sniffed his hand then gave it a small lick. Nate soon loosened up and started patting her.

Soon enough he was holding her, playing with her and giving her kisses. I just shook my head and sat back in Ryland's lap "that's the first time anyone has been able to get him that close to a cat" I heard him whisper. I smiled and turned around kissing his lips. "Go upstairs and get changed there is an outfit on your bed" he mumbled through the kiss. I pulled away and looked at him confused. I got off his lap and slowly walked up stairs to the room. I pushed the door open and Joker jumped into my arms. I smiled when I saw he had a bow tie as did Rex. I giggled and patted their heads. I walked to the outfit to see it was black skinny jeans, red off the shoulder half top, and a black leather jacket paired with black combat boots. I quickly threw them on and walked out the room with Joker in my arms and Rex following behind me. I walked into the entry hall to see the boys all lined up. I laughed when I saw Nate holding Batman who was now wearing a little bow. I put Joker down and him and Rex quickly went and lined up. I giggled and walked out to see Ryland holding my door to his car lambo I quickly ran over and he helped me in. He got in his seat and we were off. He pulled up to a spot in the mall and helped me out. I chuckled and we walked in. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked me. I looked around then smiled "stay here" I giggled. I quickly ran into the shop. I bought a heap of lingerie, I then walked to the men's jewellery, I grabbed the watch I saw a couple weeks ago that I know Ryland wanted. I went up to the front desk to pay for it all. "Can I have a message carved into the watch?" I asked the lady behind the counter smiled and handed me a paper and pen. I quickly wrote the message down. She took the watch out back and carved the message. I checked it and smiled brightly. I paid and hid the watch at the bottom of the bag. I walked out to Ryland and smiled. He took my hand and we went from shop to shop by the end of it I had 20 bags.

He took us home and ran the bags in. He handed me a dress bag and I walked upstairs. I opened it to see a beautiful white and gold two piece dress. (Dress up top) I quickly had a shower and jumped out, drying off. I pulled the dress on and slipped my feet into my nude heels. I did my hair and make up. Applying foundation, contour, nude lipstick, black eyeliner and mascara and gold eyeliner in the in corners of my eyes, I also had light layer of gold eyeshadow. I heard a knock at the door and I smiled. I quickly skipped to the door but quickly hid my smile and pulled the door open. I couldn't help but giggle at the man dressed in an all black suit except the gold tie. He quickly straightened his back puffing out his chest once he realised I had opened the door. His touch façade faded as soon as he looked me up and down "oh my" he gulped "y-you're even more beautiful in that dress then in my imagination... You... you are perfect... how could I have let such disgusting hands touch my queen" I giggled at him when his hand went to my waist tickling my skin a little. He placed his hand on my cheek "no man...or woman will ever touch you again. That is my promise to you... Man.. you must think I'm incapable to protect you, three times you have been hurt under my watch. I promise no more. You will never leave my sight again and if I cant be with you there will be Nate, Sam or one of the boys. I cant lose you again" as soon as he finished his speech he smashed his lips against mine. I'm so glad I decided to wear waterproof make up. He slowly pulled away and pulled out a bouquet of black roses. My eyes widened and my hands flew to my mouth. He smiled I took them he then stepped aside and I saw a trail of black rose pedals leading down the hall. He gently took my hand "are you ready?" I quickly nodded. I then giggled when I realised he had lipstick in the corner of his mouth. I licked my thumb and wiped the lipstick. He scrunched up his nose "what are you doing?" I giggled "you had lipstick" I giggled he chuckled and kissed my cheek. He walk down the stairs guiding me outside. I looked up to see a white Audi R8 Limo. Omg it's sick as. As soon as we got close to the car the door opened. Ryland helped me in and slid in after me. Inside was just as beautiful with gold interior. The door closed and the vehicle started on it's journey. Ryland pulled me to his chest. I smiled as I thought I hope Nate grabbed the watch from my bag like I asked. I snapped out of my thoughts to Ryland kissing my lips. I place my hand on his cheek. He pulls away slowly and I gently nip his cheek.

The door opens and Ryland slides out holding his hands to me. I slid out and looked up to see a gorgeous palace looking restaurant. Ryland held out his elbow and I linked my arm threw. We walked in and the host smiled excitedly and took us to our seat. We sat down and Ryland held up the menu. We sat side by side as we decided on what to eat. We started with chicken soup for the entrée, we then had basa fish with salad and lemon, it finally came to dessert and I excitedly picked up the menu. Lemon Meringue pie caught my eye and I quickly pointed at it and smiled at Ryland. His eyes twinkled as he nodded. After 10 minutes it came. We ate, sipped on wine and talked for what seemed to be ages. "Sorry hun but could you excuse me for a moment? I need to use the bathroom" I quickly nodded and looked around at all the beautiful people. Suddenly I see all the men stand wearing masks. I hadn't noticed the mask until they had stood. Suddenly I heard music playing. I turned to see a band on the stage. Four men stood on the floor in front. One of them wore a gold mask. The others wore white. A voice sounded from one of the men in the white mask. They all took turns then gold mask started to sing as he walked towards me. My cheeks burned as I smiled. I suddenly realised what the song was. It was my favourite song 'This is my promise' was what it was called. The guy then took my hand and pulled me to his chest. He finally took off his mask and I saw Ryland. My eyes widened then my smile grew. He spun me around then pulled me back. He walked around all the different tables then to the middle of the room I slowly walked towards him. He then got down on one knee. My eyes widened, he then went into his suit and pulled out a white velvet box. I quickly covered my mouth and smiled. He finally finished singing "Hayleigh, I get down on one knee before you as a promise for your honour that I will be loyal always. I am down on knee telling that I am ready to start a family with you, to love through rich and poor, through health and sickness. You are my moon and stars. You are my reason when I cant even smile myself. You are always there to pick me up. You have forgave me countless times when I didn't even deserve it. Today had been planned every second of it, tonight we are surrounded by my family and friends which you can now call yours. I do not wish to own you but to help you grow and live happily like you deserve. I am here to protect you and love you when you aren't capable of doing so yourself. Before you I was cold and merciless and I always knew what to say but when I met you I stuttered, I was nervous. I wanted to make sure you liked me... Hayleigh, what I am asking you is... W-will you marry me?" Tears streamed down my cheeks as I nodded. "Y-yes. YES!" I giggled. I ran into his arms and kissed his lips. I stepped back and he placed the ring on my finger. I smiled and he stood up smashing his lips to mine.

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