Chapter 14

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Hayleigh's POV

Its been a couple months since we got batman and joker. Right now we are going to Ryland's Brothers house to meet the whole family. It is his brothers birthday and it's a masquerade fancy dress themed. I wore a long flowy strapless red dress with red strapped heels. I wore a red mask. My eye shadow a smokey black with black winged eyeliner, mascara, dark blood red lipstick. My hair was done in an elegent but messy bun. I walked out the room and to the head of the stairs. I walked down and saw Ryland stood at the bottom. He must have heard my heels because he looked up and gasped. He held out his hand and I took it. "You look stunning!" He gaped. He kissed my cheek and opened the limo door. I sat down and and he slid in next to me. I looked up to see the rest of the boys. They were all in tuxedos including Ryland but wearing different colored masks. Ryland and I decided on matching gold masks. His covered one of his eyes and cheek, while mine had décor at the top and covered both my eyes. (by covered I mean like around them). The limo came to a stop and all the boys climbed out, Ryland last. Ryland held my hand and helped me out. As I looked up I saw the boys lined up in two lines. I giggled as they bowed when we walked past. I slapped them all playfully "stop! You're embarrassing me, you shitheads" they laughed and we all walked in. Every one stopped as soon as the doors opened. I looked down shy and squeezed Ryland's hand. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. We walked down the steps and towards a group of people. "Mum, Dad, Chase, Julie, Uncle Tim and my cousin Cale" He pointed to everyone. I smiled shyly and looked back at the floor "this is Hayleigh, my girlfriend" he chuckled. His mum ran forward and hugged me tight. My eyes widened but then I hugged her back. Oh gosh I miss this feeling. She pulled back "Sharon, and his name is Jason but you can call us mum and dad" she said pointing to her husband. I went to shake his hand but he pulled me into a hug as well. I chuckled as everyone else joined in. They let me go and I smiled at Chase "you must be the famous Chase that Ryland always talks about" I chuckle. He smiles and nods "finally I can meet the girl who won my brothers cold heart. He calls me every fucking day saying how beautiful you are and damn he is right. You're gorgeous!" I smiled and turned red. I whispered thank you and turned to his cousin Cale. He looked me up and down. He steps forward and takes my hand and kisses my knuckle. My eyes widened and I pulled my hand away. He smiled up at me "a pleasure to meet you, however my sister isn't gonna be happy to meet you..." I look up at him confused "she had a crush on him and he turned her down every time... She was hoping to ask him out today considering she has changed" I nodded. I bid my goodbyes and walked back to Ryland. He takes my hand and starts to walk to the dance floor. I smile and let him guide me. We danced for five songs and we were going to six but we were interrupted by Cale calling Ryland over.

He took my hand and we walked over to him and a woman. "Ryland, you remember Jessica right?" Cale smiled and Ryland smiled back and nodded "of course I do" he chuckled. She pulled off her mask and my gosh she was beautiful. Blonde hair, green eyes, pink lips, I glided my eyes down her body, she was skinny, really skinny, she wore a tight black thigh high dress with silver peep toe heels, her mask a silver colour with very little detail. She wore a lot of expensive jewellery. I pulled my fakest smile I could muster. She was beautiful and perfect. I looked up at Ryland's face to see he was wide eyed. She looked over at me and smirked. I looked down ashamed. She stepped up to Ryland and placed her hand on his chest. My heart was slowly breaking. I looked over at Cale to see he was looking at me with a sad look. Tears welled in my eyes and I let Ryland's hand go. He didn't even notice. I looked at him again to see he was smiling as they chatted. She took his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. I watched as they danced. She looked over his shoulder and at me smirking. I looked down and a few tears hit my hand. I quickly wiped my tears. Luckily my make up is waterproof. "Hey" I quickly wipe my eyes and look up at Nate "hey" I smiled small. "What's wrong" he asked worried, I looked up at Ryland to see he was full on laughing, Nate followed my gaze and his eyes widened "what the fuck? Who the fuck is that?" he glared at the girl "Jessica" I whispered. He looked down at me then pulled me into a hug. I bury my face into his chest, Nate reminds me so much of Kai. I felt a hand grab my wrist. I quickly looked up to see Cale "I need to talk to you" he mumbled, I nodded and followed him into the hallway.

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