"Didn't you hear my voice from the ro...hey why are you crying? Arvika?" Kavya panicked seeing her brave and strong friend crying like a baby, standing against the wall. Her eyes were bloodshot red, nose running with water-like content, and her face a complete wreck, which was so unlike Arvika! Kavya had never seen her friend cry like this, like a completely broken soul!

From the day they had returned after attending their orientation program, Kavya had observed her friend was too quiet like she was suffering severely from within. Because of their busy schedule at their college, Kavya couldn't pay much attention to her agonizing friend who was dying in her grief, hiding herself from her eyes.

"Why are you crying boo? Tell me? See, even I'm crying because of you," Kavya immediately hugged her tormented friend, trying to soothe her but Arvika started crying more bitterly.

"Kavya, I hurt him so badly, so so badly," with a hiccuping voice and a bleeding heart she finally let out her words, closing her eyes in immense dismay and grief.

"Whom did you hurt?" Kavya knew whom she was talking about but still, she wanted to confirm.

"D.E.V," she again spelt out in her crying voice, not taking his name.

"What happened? I had seen you running away from him and he was looking crestfallen after you had left? Tell me, Arvika. What had happened that day?" Kavya wiped off her friend's cheeks not liking even a bit of those touchy tears on her beautiful friend's face.

"He had apologized to me but instead of forgiving him, I pushed him away, saying I don't know him, other than the fact that he's our president," Arvika put her head down in shame and sheer guilt. Whatever Dev did in the past was wrong but how she had treated him that day was worst, seriously the worst! Kavya gasped at whatever she heard from her friend, she didn't know that her friend hated Dev to this extent to hurt his sentiments with such bitter and heart-wrenching words!

"Why didn't you share it with me? Why did you hide this fact from me, Arvika?" Kavya exasperated out in shock and reverie, her eyes filled with unshed tears as well.

"I thought you'd scold me, that's why I couldn't share it with you," Arvika spoke out the truth, holding her head in her hands, not having the guts to face her friend who was looking at her with her accusing eyes.

"Arvika you know how sadistic and grave you might have sounded to him? Forget that he had kissed you for a while, was it a way to talk to someone? Downright unrecognizing the person whom you had met after like five years? If I do something like this to you after five years, how would you feel, Arvika? Tell me?" Kavya shook her friend, holding her from her arms while all Arvika could do was cry in guilt and pain. She had hurt an innocent, he had apologized so softly but she? What did she do? Just ignoring his past-self existence, how sickening and melancholic it sounded.

From the past three days, she wasn't able to sleep, she couldn't rest, she couldn't concentrate on anything, pondering over and over about the venom that she had spat against him that day. Was it how the real Arvika was? This bitter, rude, and egoistic?

"Arvika, how can you say all this on his face? Why? Why don't you just let go of the past? Why Arvika? Couldn't you see how disheartened he was after you had again run away like a coward? If he really would've been bad he'd have never apologized to you," Kavya again used her motherly scolding tone on Arvika whose state was too pitiful and miserable to look at. Her whole body was shivering, and eyes busy in pouring the tears, the regretful tears of hurting someone so harshly.

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