The Rage Chptr 2

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Chapter 2 - live love laugh


I'm dreaming of my costar. His name unmentionamle. If I mention, I will die. Literally he spits hate, but I love his rugged exterior. I know there's a pink teddybear inside. But of course the new guy gets me out of it. He is quietly playing piano in the other room. I'm upset to really understand he's an amazing person he really is a great guy.... He just his really shy. I said hi and he blushed like his teacher decided to let him teach the class how to multiply when he couldn't. Alexander. Alex for short. But I say Alexander. And no he isn't the guy I like. Alexander is the new guy. He knows nothing. But I guess I will go talk to him. He really gets me somehow. "hey Alexander" I say as normally as possible. He smirks. What does he know? " ya know... It helps to think in your head. Not out loud to the new guy..." I opened my mouth but clesed it when I realized I couldn't say a thing. " uh.... I guess that's a good idea." I stuttered. " well just so you know I would be honored to be your pink teddybear." did he just say that? Did I just blush? Did he really need to hear what I said? I guess when you live a life in the lime light, you get used to it. But I don't think I will ever get use to Jared Michael Gillis. But he certainly doesn't think I exhist.

Ok so is it good? I'd u read commentit would make my day! And Ali plays Terri on the show not the other way around! I love you guys you are awesome!

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