At 5 o'clock sharp I end rehearsal just because my anxiety was getting the best of me. I do my best to keep from speeding down the crowded Los Angeles streets.

Soccer is the first to greet me when I arrive home, as usual. I take him into my arms and hurry to the screening room before I loose my mind. I put the disc into the DVD player and wait for it to load.

Footage from the barbecue that was held after the pool party the first couple nights was first to show. I remember the little argument Albany and September got into and how I left the conversation in sheer confusion. The girls are silent for a while until Albany leans in toward September.

"I don't know what the hell you're trying to pull, but I want you to know that you will not win this. Whatever you're trying to accomplish is going to fail miserably. Get off my back you little slut."

My eyebrows shoot up at her response. This is not the Albany I know.

"I know you didn't just call me that! You don't know me!"

"I don't want to know you. You're nothing anyway so hopefully I'll get rid of you as fast as I got rid of Raquel. Goodbye, insignificant hoes."


What does she have to do with Raquel? I'm just as confused now as I was the other night but continue watching.

The next thing onscreen is September crying after I eliminated her. She's talking about the fight her and Albany got into and that nothing was her fault. Apparently Albany wasn't as injured as she said she was. Guilt settles to the pit of my stomach immediately.

Y/N and Albany in the exact room where I am is following September's sob session. They obviously got into another argument and I have no interest in seeing them fight. I only start paying attention when Stephanie is referenced.

"...Daveed only likes you because you look like his dead girlfriend. Make sure you wash your hands and cover your mouth when you cough because you could go out just like she did."

This is what Y/N was talking about. I had no idea the other girls were using her resemblance to Stephanie against her.

When Albany's face shows up again, I'm pretty much sick of seeing her. Knowing that she acts like this when I'm not around almost makes me gag.

The producer is doing his interview next and asks Albany a question about our relationship. I pray she gives a decent answer.

She asks the producer if I watch the show and he answers no. I fear something is terribly wrong.

"Oh. Well I was going to say that he still has some issues with his dead girlfriend that he needs to get over, right now. This Stephanie bitch is dead and gone. I'm here now and I'm sure I'm ten times better than her!"

I swear my heart literally shatters.

Does she not understand how hurtful that is? Even if she knows I don't watch the show, she shouldn't be saying these things in the first place.

I pause the film and rub my hands over my face in deep thought. I can't believe I thought I was in love with her. At least Y/N respects Stephanie.

The remainder of the footage is Albany calling Stephanie a variety of names such as a "dead hoe" or "dead bitch" and there's only so much that I can take of the name calling. The lack of respect she has for others and someone who meant everything to me makes me sick to my stomach.

"Hey, Daveed." Y/N enters and smiles.

"Can you call Rafa for me? Tell him to come over right now." I take my phone out without looking at her.

"Are you-"

"Please, just do it."

Y/N leaves without another word.

The only thing that makes me feel somewhat calm while waiting for Rafael's response is petting my dog. Soccer is literally the only one who won't hurt me.

"Rafael said he'll be here in about ten minutes," Y/N informs me as she hands my phone back.

"Thank you." I pull her into an unexpected kiss and feel myself calm down. Y/N is all I want and all I need, I know that for sure.

"Are you okay? You seem a little tense..."

"I'm fine, I promise." I lean in for one last kiss before letting her go.

Rafael arrives in a little under ten minutes and basically sprints into the room. Soccer gets excited and leaps from my lap to meet him.

"Yo, you saved me from baby duty. Adrienne was about to make me take Delilah to this thing-"

"Shut up and sit down." I point to the chair next to me and he slowly takes a seat.

"What's going-"


He puts his hands up in surrender and keeps quiet. I rewind the footage and let him see everything from the beginning.

"Get off my back you little slut!"

Albany's insults hurt more the second time.

"What the fuck? What is this?" Rafael asks, knitting his brows in confusion.

"The producer gave it to me. He walked into my rehearsal today and told me to watch this before making my 'final decision'," I explain.

"Is this just a whole DVD with dirt on Albany?" Rafael asks, taking the remote out of my hands and fast forwarding through the footage.

"Pretty much."

"You're always around here exercising your I-look-like-Daveed's-dead-hoe privilege. You need to check yourself."

"Whoa..." He looks to me. "Are you good, Diggs? She's saying some pretty nasty stuff."

"I'm fine."

Rafael stares at me for a couple of seconds before turning away. "What are you going to do?"

"Well if it isn't obvious, Albany's not winning."

"Should've guessed that."

"But since she played me the entire time, I'm going to play her. Then when it's time to pick the winner, I'll drop all of this on her and she'll be devastated."

"That's pretty harsh, Diggs. Are you sure you wanna do that?"

"I don't think Albany asked herself that question so I'm going for it."


LETS gOOOOO !!!!!!!

I'm so happy right now. I was sitting in class writing this and cackling because Albany's finally gonna get what she deserves.

There's only a couple more chapters I'm so sad *cries in the corner*

More soon!🦉

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