Ep. 22 "Smile, Diggs"

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Daveed obviously does not want to be on camera at the moment. He shies away from the producer and keeps his eyes on his hands which are folded in his lap. It's quiet for a second.

PRODUCER: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I apologize for offending you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Daveed shakes his head.

DAVEED: Just ask the questions.

He wipes his eyes and finally looks up from his lap.

PRODUCER: Can you tell me about your dates?

DAVEED: They all went really well and I enjoyed myself. It's gonna be hard to choose between them.

PRODUCER: Is there anyone you specifically have your eye on?

DAVEED: Um, I'd rather not say.

PRODUCER: That's fair. So I hear you're seeing Rafael again?

DAVEED: Yeah, I just need him to help me with a couple things. I'm so confused currently.

[Daveed's POV]

Rafael invited me to his house to talk because Adrienne really needs him to help with the new baby. I don't care where we talk as long as we get to.

Delilah runs into my arms as soon as she sees me and asks for Soccer. "He's at my house, baby. You have to come over again," I tell her.

"I'm so sorry that the house is a mess," Adrienne sighs, picking up Delilah's toys from the floor. "She's been going a little crazy ever since she became a big sister."

"No, it's fine. I understand." I take a seat on the couch with a resounding sigh.

"Do you want Delilah to stay? I can take her," Adrienne offers.

"No, it's fine. I probably need you to stay too so I get input from an actual woman," I reply, bouncing Delilah on my lap.

"This is going to be fun because Rafael never takes my advice," she says, giving Rafa a playful look.

"This isn't about us, babe. This is about Diggs," Rafael directs his attention toward me. "Speak."

"Well, I've been slipping back into that depression...you know? Like, after...Stephanie died?" I stammer.

Rafael and Adrienne both nod.

"And it's not even because of Y/N anymore. It's more of me having a personal problem."

"And what is that personal problem?" Rafael inquires.

I don't want to tell Rafa because I already know what he's going to do.

"I kinda feel like I'm not over Steph."

Just as I expected, he swallows a smile. "What did I tell you?" he asks.

"Rafael, this is not the right time for this," Adrienne sighs, obviously tired of her husband's antics. "Go on, Daveed."

"I don't know, I just feel like I'm playing myself, you know? I've just been so sad lately and I'm tired of being sad but I can't help it..."

I blink back tears and swallow any signs of emotion.

"So what are you going to do?" Rafael asks with a more serious tone.

"I don't know and that's the problem."

"Do you like anyone in this competition?" Adrienne questions, leaning into the conversation.

"Well Y/N, of course. And Albany's really incredible. I love both of them but I'm also having trouble with that too," I sigh, my head beginning to ache when thinking about my second dilemma. "I don't want people to think I'm choosing Y/N just because she looks like Steph but with Albany it just doesn't feel right, you know?"

"Well, if it doesn't feel right with either of them, Diggs, I don't think you should be looking for a relationship. Don't rush yourself," Rafael advises.

"I know but..."

"And you don't want these girls to think their time here is a joke, you know? Especially Y/N," Adrienne says.

"I know but I can't put them through this and then not choose a winner at the end. Then their time would really be a joke," I counter.

"Diggs, why in the world did you even do this in the first place? Impulsive decisions aren't good decisions, you know that," Rafael groans, wiping his face in disappointment.

"It wasn't impulsive! I thought I wanted this and I couldn't find anyone on my own. You know how hard that was for me," I reply as Delilah buries herself in my chest. "No one wanted me. They wanted Daveed Diggs."

"I understand that but are you sure you even want anyone? I mean, especially with the Y/N situation. What's even going on with her?"

"Rafael, I don't even know."

The more I think about it, the more emotionally distraught I get. I know I'm making things worse every moment I keep her here, but I can't send her home. I genuinely like Y/N and not because she looks like Stephanie. Unfortunately, I feel as though Y/N thinks that's the only reason she's lasted this long.

"What about Albany?" Adrienne switches the topic of the conversation.

"Albany is a dream," I say as a smile tugs at my lips. "She's so caring and beautiful, it's unreal. She's literally an angel."

"Why don't you choose her then?"

"Because it feels...wrong..."

My voice cracks and they get the point. I lift Delilah off my lap as I feel my emotions build up inside of me. I've been hiding all of this ever since we began filming this show and now that I'm letting it out, it's very overwhelming.

"Why does it feel wrong?" Rafael asks, knitting his brows together.

"It feels like cheating."

"...Daveed..." The sympathy in Adrienne's voice is enough to make me cry. I hate it when people feel sorry for me.

"I just don't want to let her down," I explain as memories of Stephanie in the hospital cloud my mind. My voice becomes shakier at every word I speak.

"You're not," Adrienne assures me. "And it isn't cheating. Stephanie's in a better place and she's happier than she's ever been, I know. I also know that she wouldn't want you to be so sad and lonely. Steph would understand if you found someone else and she wouldn't be upset either. She'd want you to be happy, Daveed. I know that for sure."

"Yeah, Diggs, I agree. I'm tired of seeing you depressed all the time," Rafael adds. "I don't care who you end up with at the end, okay? If you love her, I do too." He flashes a smile at me and I return the gesture.

"Don't be sad, Diggs," Delilah says as she crawls back into my lap. "Smile, see?" She grins wide and doesn't stop until I'm grinning with her.



There goes my heart wow :')

You should keep scrolling and see what happens...

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