Ep. 4 "Breakfast"

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Raquel stares blankly into the camera with no emotions present in her eyes. Her hands are folded neatly in her lap. She's a statue.

PRODUCER: Hey, Raquel. What's your view on your competition so far?

RAQUEL: I hate everyone Albany hates.

PRODUCER: Can you elaborate on that?


The little party with Daveed didn't look like it would have an ending. Everyone turned in for the night leaving you alone with him.

Well, him, Albany and Raquel.

Albany wouldn't let you get any words out. Whenever you tried to start a conversation, she cut you off as soon as you opened your mouth. Daveed didn't seem to notice Albany's actions. He played along with her flirtatiousness like it was nothing. You could tell that he enjoyed it and that hurt you a little. You almost thought about leaving so you could sleep it all off but there was no way you'd leave Daveed alone with her. She'd probably rape him.

Daveed was the one to shut down the party at 2:30 in the morning. The camera men had left hours ago, leaving you all to be yourselves. That's when Albany's claws really came out.

You tolerated it for a little while but your patience ran out as soon as she took his hand in hers. How dare she taunt you like that!

"Well, girls, I'm gonna get some rest because I have to look beautiful for the camera tomorrow. I had a lot of fun," Daveed had announced. He cradled Soccer like a baby and held him close to his chest. "I know y'all could stay up all night because you're naturally beautiful but I have to earn this." He pointed to his face and let out a light chuckle.

"What are you talking about? You're beautiful too," Albany gushed. Her side eye was enough to make you sock her in the face at that very moment but you restrained yourself.

"Thanks. Get some rest, girls." Daveed smiled as you all walked to the exit.

Just as you were about to walk out the door, someone gripped your wrist and pulled you back. Daveed's beautiful brown eyes pierced right through you almost causing your knees to buckle. How could one person possess so much beauty?

"Hey, um, I know Albany was talking a lot and I really want to get to know you better so I was thinking maybe we could have breakfast tomorrow morning. Or later this morning because technically it's already tomorrow," he had stammered.

"Sure. I'd love to," you replied.

"Great. See you in like five hours."

That scene still plays through your head as you follow Daveed to his bedroom where he said he prepared a breakfast in bed.

"We have to be quiet because my little man's still sleep," he whispers, pointing to Soccer. Sure enough, the little dog was sound asleep in his doggie bed close to the window.

"Wow, you made all this?" you ask as you climb onto Daveed's bed. There were trays and trays of food.

"I did, actually," he replies adjusting his glasses. "Are you impressed?"


He smiles and pours you a glass of orange juice. "Well, I'm impressed by how you kept yourself together last night. If someone was interrupting me as much as Albany interrupted you, I'd be so mad."

"I had to keep myself together," you tell him while accepting your glass. "It would've looked bad if I yelled at her."

"No, it wouldn't. I would've understood," Daveed laughs. "But you're a real one for choosing to be diplomatic about it. I like that."

You busy yourself with food to hide your stupid grin. He seems to be showing a lot of interest in you but you brush it off. He has to show interest in everyone, right?

"I know I keep saying this but you're really beautiful. I cannot get over it," he sighs. "You definitely caught my eye when I saw you guys for the first time."

"You're even more beautiful, okay? I mean, look at you," you counter, scanning his biceps. He blessed you by wearing a Golden State Warriors tank top.

"No, you're even more beautiful. I just met you and I already feel like I should end the show and be with you," he chuckles shyly.

Your face burns and you eat another spoonful of fruit. You were not going to fangirl in front of him. Not today.

"That's really sweet of you. Why me though?"

"I don't know. You're just different than everyone else. I like that about you a lot."

You do your best to not choke on a strawberry. Daveed notices and giggles.

"You good, Y/N?" he laughs.

You shake your head. "No."

"Me either, girl."

A/N: Y'all can thank jjpassionn for this because I wasn't gonna update until later. This is just a filler because it's nice to have some calm before the storm👀

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