Ep. 13 "Reunited"

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Daveed looks a little happier in this shot but it's obvious something is still bothering him.

PRODUCER: Can you explain this Hamilton reunion you're hosting?

DAVEED: Yeah, well I invited the people I used to work with in Hamilton over to my house for some drinks and I just want to catch up with them and see what they've been up to. It's been a while.

The producer nods before slowly leaning into the conversation. Daveed knits his eyebrows together in confusion.

DAVEED: What's going on?

PRODUCER: Are you okay, Daveed? You seem a little upset.

DAVEED: What are you talking about? I'm fine.

PRODUCER: No need to get hostile. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

DAVEED: I don't remember signing up for therapy. You don't need to get into my personal business.

PRODUCER: I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you weren't having a problem.

DAVEED: (expletive) you. If I tell you I'm okay, I'm okay. Get the (expletive) out of my face.

The top did look good on you. When Daveed had told you this orange hue was your color, you didn't take it too seriously but when you saw yourself in the top, there was no denying it.

Your favorite pair of jeans and a pair of matching orange heels you purchased today completes the ensemble. You take twice as long to do your hair and makeup to Ty's dismay. The cast of Hamilton would be in the same room as you; there's no way you were going out there looking like a troll.

"Wow, you all look great," Daveed says as you and Ty arrive downstairs. He doesn't take his eyes off of you. "Rafa should be here-"

The doorbell rings and Daveed chuckles to himself. "That's probably Rafa. Y/N, can you get that for me? I need to make a phone call really quick."

You nod and take a deep breath before scurrying to the door. Were you supposed to say something to him? If so, what should you say? The simple task of answering the door suddenly became a little more tedious than it needed to be.

"Hey, Y/N," Rafael greets with a warm smile. "Is Diggs making you answer doors?"

"Only this once," you respond. You freeze when you see the adorable caramel skinned little girl he's holding and gasp in surprise when you spot a beautiful black woman carrying a baby car seat up the porch steps.

"Oh hi!" the woman greets. She turns to Rafael. "Oh my gosh is this Y/N?"

"Yes it is. Y/N, this is my wife-"

"Adrienne. Adrienne Warren, yeah I know. Well, I guess you're Adrienne Casal now but still...it's so nice to meet you. You're so beautiful," you gush, forgetting to control your fangirling. "Come on in." Your face burns with embarrassment when you realize you have been holding a conversation with them at the door.

"Soccer!" the little girl squeals. She turns to Rafael and begs to be liberated from his hold. He puts her down and she makes kissing noises in an attempt to lure Soccer toward her.

"This is my daughter Delilah. She's...funny," Rafael laughs.

"She looks just like you!"

Albany, like always, manages to find a way into the conversation. She gets on her knees to be at Delilah's level and ruffles her light brown and blonde curls.

"And this is our new baby," Adrienne announces. "Paris."

"You dragged Adrienne here after she gave birth?" Daveed cries, reentering the room.

"She said she wanted to come! Come meet your new niece." Rafael gestures to the baby Adrienne is tending to and Daveed grins.

The doorbell rings again and you answer without being told. You were not ready for who was waiting at the door.

"Hello, hello, hello," Lin-Manuel Miranda calls. You laugh out loud at his greeting but don't hesitate in replying.

"Welcome to today's Ham 4 Ham show."

"We've got a Hamilton fan," a woman you recognize as Lin's wife Vanessa sighs. She directs their son Sebastian up the porch steps.

"There's nothing wrong with that. It is a Hamilton reunion after all," Lin concludes. "You must be one of the contestants on the show."

"I am," you reply, stepping out of the way so Lin and his family can enter the house. "It's so nice to meet you."

You haven't even closed the door when Anthony Ramos and his wife Jasmine Cephas Jones pull up in the circle driveway. Anthony carries a precious little boy on his back while Jasmine makes carrying a diaper bag look fashionable. They were truly a power couple in your eyes.

Renee Elise Goldsberry and Pippa Soo were the next to arrive and you couldn't help but sing their characters' names. Jasmine manages to scream out an "And Peggy!"

You basically lose it when Oak, Leslie Odom Jr., and Jonathan Groff walk in but Thayne Jasperson and Carleigh Bettiol help you compose yourself.

"Looks like everyone's here!" Daveed says, looking over the people hanging out in his living room. "I'd like to introduce you all to Y/N, who you've already met, Albany, Ty, and Monroe. Go easy on Y/N because she's a Hamilton fan so she's probably hyperventilating inside."

That couldn't be more true.

You could not believe you were holding Anthony and Jasmine's baby while conversing with Leslie. Everything seemed like a dream.

The only thing that confuses you is that everyone seems starstruck to meet you than you are to meet them. You figure that Daveed told them about you before and brush it off. Now was not the time to worry about these things anyway. Tonight was probably the only time Albany wouldn't make you want to murder someone and you take your wins where you can get them.



I can only imagine being in their presence wow. I'm so excited for the next chapter oh my god, y'all are not readyyyyy

More soon!🦉

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