Ep. 9 "Rafa"

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A/N: If you didn't know already, the beautiful man in that pic that isn't Daveed is the wonderful Rafael Casal. He's amazing. Follow him everywhere. Now the story!!!


Daveed's eyes are basically bloodshot, as if he'd been crying. He adjusts his Oaklandish hat and shifts in his seat.

PRODUCER: Can you tell us about the special guest at your house?

DAVEED: My best friend Rafael Casal has decided to pay me a visit and I'm really happy he's here. He's been on tour for the last year and it's gonna be nice to catch up. I've missed him a ton.

[Daveed's POV]

There's a knock on the door at around noon right when Rafa told me he'd be here. I don't hesitate in basically sprinting to the front door with Soccer chasing after me. He's been a little lonely since September got eliminated.

"Is that that motherfucker Diggs?!" my best friend in the universe, Rafael Casal cries.

"Hey, Rafa," I laugh.

"Wow, did you get taller? Or did your hair get bigger?" He examines my hair and measures his height against mine.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't grow but my hair probably did. Get in here!" I pull him inside and causally sling an arm around his shoulders. "How was your tour?"

"It was boring. I didn't eat as much as I wanted to," he pouts, settling into a barstool.

"How's the fam?" I ask, with a laugh.

"Good. Adrienne's gonna pop at any second. I was so scared during the last couple weeks of the tour because I thought she'd have the baby without me." Rafael took the liberty of pouring himself a drink. "What about you?"

"Soccer's fine," I say, picking my dog up from off the floor.

"I'll have to bring Delilah back over to play with Soccer. She wants a dog but Adrienne and I can't even take care of her. Plus we have another one on the way." He shudders and takes a sip of the Hennessy he poured. "Don't get married, Diggs."

"Well, I have four girls living with me right now so I don't think I'm taking your advice," I laugh.

"Oh, that's right! Where are they?"

"Probably getting ready for filming. You're gonna be on camera, Rafa!"

"I didn't know! Does my hair look good?" He checks his reflection in the nearby mirror.

"You look fine."

[Your POV]

You walk outside of your room feeling particularly gorgeous in your favorite outfit and you're surprised that no one is up yet. It's noon and the house was usually buzzing by now. You hear laughter from downstairs and decide you'll see what's going on.

"Good morning, Davee..." You trail off when you see the special company leaning against the counter with a glass of alcohol in his hand.

"Is this one of them?" he asks with a smile. "I'm Rafael-"

"Rafael Casal, yeah I know, I'm such a huge fan, oh my god!" you squeal scurrying down the remainder of the stairs to greet him. "I saw you on tour and you were amazing. I've listened to you since you were on SoundCloud and loved everything and you're so smart and talented and...and...wow."

Rafael laughs at your fangirling. "Thanks for your support. It means a lot. I hoped you enjoyed the concert."

"I did! Your new album is godly."

"I wouldn't say that, but thank you. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you. You know, you look a lot like-"

"Would you like a drink, Y/N?" Daveed interjects, noisily taking down a glass and filling it with Hennessy.

"Diggs, I was speaking," Rafael scolds, placing a hand over his chest.

"It's a little early for a drink, but thank you," you say, accepting the glass anyway.

"Where's everyone else?" Daveed inquires, seeming to ignore Rafael's presence.

"Sleep," you reply. "I guess it was a long day."

"Yeah. It was an even longer night."

"A long night, hm?" Rafael hums, finding his way back into the conversation.

"Rafa, go away," Daveed says pushing him back.

"I'll go. I know you two wanna get close and stuff, I understand." He turns to you. "Go easy on him, Y/N. But don't get too vocal because he doesn't like loud noises."

"Go away!"

"I'm leaving! I'm leaving! Damn." Rafael gives you two thumbs up and nods as he backs away.

"He's not as glamorous in person," Daveed sighs once Rafael's out of sight. "He's very annoying."

"Aw, I thought he was sweet. He's everything I imagined him to be."

"To each his own, I guess," Daveed laughs. "Hey, um, September didn't hurt you, did she? Albany was messed up pretty bad."

You almost tell Daveed the truth about that situation but bite your tongue. Would he even believe you? You want to stay as neutral as possible to make sure Daveed doesn't think you're taking sides.

"No, September was really nice to me," you say. "I don't know why her and Albany didn't get along."

"I don't want you guys fighting over me. I mean, I know you all want to win but it's weird when you're talking crap about each other and I don't even know."

"You don't watch the show?"

"Hell no!" Daveed laughs. "I don't want to see myself on TV and I don't want to see anything going on when I'm not there. I'll pass."

That was exactly the problem. Daveed hasn't seen how Albany's been treating the rest of you and you know he'll change his mind about her if he knew.

"I like it when it's quiet like this," Daveed comments, lacing his fingers with yours. "Just me and you."

"I like it too."

He smiles and presses his lips to your hand. "Y/N, can I tell you something? You're gonna be so surprised but-"

"Good morning, Daveed! You look cute today!"

You'd know Albany's fake voice from anywhere.


A/N: I love Rafa so much wow. I wasn't gonna make a Daveed story without him. I'm Mrs. Casal in my heart btw👀 jjpassionn

Your character requests should be in the next chapter or two! Comment anyone else you forgot! More soon🦉

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