Ep. 20 "The Pier"

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Daveed doesn't look very happy to be back on the stool. He sighs heavily.

DAVEED: Can we get this over with, please?

PRODUCER: You seem happier with Y/N than the other girls in the competition. Do you think you two have more chemistry?

DAVEED: What the (expletive) kind of question is that?

PRODUCER: It's just a question.

DAVEED: A really stupid one.

PRODUCER: Is this about Stepha-

DAVEED: First of all, this is none of your (expletive) business. I cannot believe you would bring this up!

PRODUCER: It's an honest question.

DAVEED: You can't throw that in my face like that!

PRODUCER: Daveed, it was a question.

DAVEED: I was just beginning to forget about her and then you come in and bring it back up. You know what? (Expletive) you and (expletive) your show. This is (expletive).

Daveed begins to stand and untangle his microphone.

PRODUCER: Don't walk away from me again.

DAVEED: You don't tell me what to do! Don't expect me to answer (expletive) up questions!

PRODUCER: I asked you a simple question and you're getting upset. I didn't do anything wrong.

DAVEED: (yells) Maybe this isn't about you! Maybe this is about me missing my girlfriend! Have you ever thought about that?!

It gets silent and Daveed's eyes become misty.

DAVEED (CONT'D): (whispers) This isn't about you.

The pier is lit up in different colored fluorescent lights evoking some type of nostalgia in you. There was not a day in your childhood that you didn't enjoy places like this and being here with Daveed made it even better.

"Let's get something to eat first," Daveed suggests, taking your hand as if he had done it a million times before.

He leads you to a hot dog stand and purchases two corn dogs, a large order of French fries, and two sodas. A table opens up almost on cue and both of you take a seat.

"So after this I was thinking we could play a couple games and then get on some rides?" Daveed sips on his Coca Cola.

A group of girls pass by your table and wave at Daveed before erupting into a giggling fit. He smiles at them and shakes his head when they're out of sight.

"Gotta love the fans," he says.

"I'm surprised more people haven't recognized you."

"Me too but it's not like I mind," he chuckles. "That just means we have more time to ourselves." He winks at you before popping some fries in his mouth.

The first game you choose is darts. You know you're aim is no good but you love the giant pink bunny that's hanging as a prize.

"How's your dart game, Diggs?" you ask, as the lady behind the booth puts five darts on the counter. "If you get five bullseyes, I get that cute pink bunny."

"Well then consider it yours," he replies, playfully shoving you out of the way.

All five of the darts land in the center of the circle and the bunny is in your hands in no time. You name it (name of your choice) as Daveed takes a picture with the lady working the game.

"What next, baby?" he asks, slinging an arm around your shoulder.

"The Ferris wheel looks pretty romantic." You smile at him and he smiles back.

"It does and a lot of other people think so too. Let's get in line before it gets too long." He places a guiding hand on the small of your back and leads you to the end of the lengthy Ferris wheel line. "Did I tell you how cute you look today?" he asks, pulling you close to him.

"Yes," you giggle when you feel his hands on your waist.

"Well, I'm telling you again. You look so damn cute, baby." He peppers kisses all over your face and you beg him to stop when you know better than anyone that you'd be happiest here forever.

"It's so nice tonight," you sigh as the Ferris wheel car whisks you and Daveed up to the top. "This view is amazing."

"And so are you."

You didn't notice how close Daveed was to you. The moment your eyes catch his, you look away in embarrassment. He grins and presses his lips to your jawline.

"I really hope you know I love you. You. Not Stephanie. Well, I do love Stephanie but I don't love you because you look like her. You get it, right?"

"Yes," you laugh, rubbing his beard with your thumb. "I love you too. So much."

One sudden movement could put his lips on yours but neither one of you have made that move. You're getting impatient as you wait for Daveed because you both know you want this. You decide to take matters into your own hands and kiss him without warning just as he had done to you all those times before.

Daveed is stunned at first but eventually relaxes and gives into you. He holds your cheeks and kisses you back aggressively, as if he's been waiting forever to have your lips on his again.

You both break the kiss when you feel the crisp summer air hit your face as the ride begins its descent. His eyes meet yours and you both look away in embarrassment this time.

The walk back to his car is silent but not in an awkward way. He squeezes your hand before he opens the passenger door for you. He laces his fingers with yours as soon as he puts his seatbelt on and only lets go to get out of the vehicle.

[Daveed's POV]

"Thank you for the night," Y/N says when we get to the top of the stairs. "It was really fun."

"I agree. It'll be hard to top this."

Y/N smiles before quickly kissing me, probably afraid the competition will see. "Goodnight."


I almost run to my room when I hear her bedroom door close. I can't let her see me upset again.

I can't believe I forgot about Stephanie for the entire duration of our date. The only woman I saw was Y/N and even though that means I'm making progress, it breaks my heart. I can't let Stephanie go.

I bury my face in my hands to deny the tears welling up in my eyes but it doesn't stop them from falling. Why am I crying over this? Stephanie died two years ago and I'm still getting emotional over her. What the hell is wrong with me?

A knock on my door shakes me out of my trance. I wipe my tears and pray whoever's at the door doesn't notice my emotional state.

Albany's smile falls as soon as she sees my face. Obviously she noticed.

"What's wrong?" she asks, wiping my wet cheeks.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I take her hand away.

"Daveed, you can tell me anything." She invites herself inside and closes the door behind her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, Albany," I sigh, falling onto my bed. "I just need to go to sleep."

"We both need to get some rest. Go put your PJ's on and we can talk some more." She kisses me and rubs my cheek with a slight smile. "I love you."

I smile back at her. "I love you too."



Ummm ????

I kinda feel like this chapter is no good but whatever.

I also apologize for what just happened and I promise it won't get as bad as last time...maybe. I love all of you so much!

More soon!🦉

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