Does she know? Did Mr. Thorne tell her why he's my lawyer?

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I told him that I had a crush on you and he really doesn't want that. So he said not to talk to you." She said and Katelyn let out a curse  while Daisy looked at me with wide eyes.

"I wasn't suppose to tell you that." She gasped and I grinned.

"Oh my shit, hang up the phone." Katelyn ordered and my smiled widened.

"You have a crush on me?" I asked and she blushed.

"Hang up the damn phone." Katelyn reached for the phone.

"No, I wasn't done!" Daisy shouted to the best of her abilities and I watched as they fumbled with the phone until the FaceTime ended.

Through that entire chaos, my smile didn't leave my face.

Placing my phone on my nightstand I kicked my covers off and stood up.

Daisy Thorne.

I've suspected for a while. This just confirms it.

It confirms that my feelings aren't one sided.

With a smile still on my face, I made my way to the bathroom.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I changed into a gray t-shirt,and a pair of shorts. Slipping on my black converse over socks, I made my way downstairs.

"Hi Abigail." I greeted the housekeeper who was putting away some dishes.

"Hey, kiddo." She smiled up at me before returning to her task at hand.

"Where's my girl?" I frowned but before she could even reply, a heavy set of four legged footsteps came towards us before Lucy came into view.

"Hi Lucy." I greeted and she got on her hind legs and placed her front legs on my shoulder before showering my face with sloppy kisses.

"That's disgusting." A voice said behind me and I turned to face my mom.

Lucy got down and let out a single bark before walking out of the room.

The two of them don't get along.

"Don't you have work today??" I frowned as she kissed the side of my head.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk and a bowl.

"I could make you some breakfast." Abigail offered and I looked at her with a small smile before grabbing the box of Coco Puffs on the island.

No doubt, mom left that there.

"Cereal's fine." I told her before taking a seat.

"I'm on Easter break." Mom grinned and I laughed at her.

"You run a private hospital, you're not suppose to get Easter breaks."

"I'm my own boss, I do what I want." She grinned before grabbing a bowl and joining me at the counter.

"I'm just kidding, I had no morning appointments so I'm going in at eleven." She explained and I nodded.

"Will you be home for dinner?" I asked and she nodded.

"If dinner is not at five."

"Dinner is never at five, mom. Not in this house."

"It's supposed to be."

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