"Uncle Varo was playing that song when he picked me up from school yesterday. He let me sing along and it was fun but I counted to fifty so I want a Range Rover like DeShawn because it looks like a space ship If I paint it light grey and attach a cone to the front of it." I kept saying but Mommy didn't look too happy. "What?"

"Why do you remember things that happen with Uncle Varo but you can't remember how to spell your name? It's literally two of the easiest letters of the alphabet but you can perfectly remember the hook to a song you don't even understand."

"It's hundreds on titties, Mommy-"

"No more Uncle Varo and don't you dare repeat that hook at school or anywhere else. LJ so help you God if you do." God's not going to bring me my car so I don't count on him helping me.

"No Uncle Varo? Mommy, why not? He's fun-"

"No." This is why Uncle Varo says Mommy's a stick in the mud because she is. Never wants me to have fun, it's always all about school and learning things. I learn more with Uncle Varo in his lab when he lets me play with organs he doesn't need. He taught me how to draw shapes when we were cutting them out of someone's thigh and I did very good but Mommy says no I'm not allowed to do that.

I didn't say anything to her till we got to the drop off part of school. I opened the door and was gonna get out but she threw my backpack at me... I don't need it it's the last day.

"Have a good last day, I'll be here to pick you up when school's over okay?" I nodded. "Alright, I love you and behave." I slammed the door because I saw Brooklyn sitting on the bench with a cupcake in her hand. It had purple and white frosting with red little circle things on it.

"Hi Brooklyn." I said kissing her cheek. I don't know why I kiss her cheek but I saw DeShawn do that to Lolo all the time and it made her smile... it also made Brooklyn smile so I smiled because she smiled. "That's a nice cupcake you got."

"It's really good. Do you want a bite?" She asked and I nodded my head. She handed it to me and I took it, walking off with it while I was eating because now I saw Joel playing tether ball. "LJ!"

"It's yummy. Thank you Brooklyn but we need to break up. Have fun next year." I said back to her before taking a big bite out of the mountain of frosting. I've been wanting to talk to Mercedes since two weeks ago when she was moved to my table group.

I couldn't find Mercedes before the bell rang but I did have to go pee so now I was walking to the bathroom but I brought my backpack with me because I had a bottle rocket I was going to trade with Aaron from Ms. Ryan's class, he had a stuffed bear that he won from a game and I wanted that bear to give to Mercedes but he wanted a bottle rocket so I talked to Uncle Varo and he helped me make one.

I had a better idea. I could get a giant bear from the store instead, the really big ones that Ty got Ivanna for her birthday last year. I need to get to the store before they're all gone! Oh no!

Walking off campus to the bus stop, I saw some other kids who were older standing there waiting to load the bus and I just followed them.

Getting on the bus, I snuck over to a seat and sat down, pulling out my sandwich Mommy made me for lunch because now I was hungry and her sandwiches were always good. Uncle Varo was right about one thing, women's sandwiches are always better because Daddy's never taste good but Mommy's always made me wish I had another. I don't know why Auntie Sweets hit Uncle Varo for saying that but he was laughing a lot. They do funny things together that I don't understand just like Uncle Arlie and Tilly Beans. I still don't get what they were doing under the table at that one dinner and I forgot to ask Mommy.

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